Ben 10: Omniverse is an action game based on the upcoming Cartoon Network series that spans two time periods between Young and Teen Ben Tennyson.
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Ben 10 Omniverse Free Online

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding arena challenges:
Ben Ten Omniverse Game Cheats Ps2
- Attrition: Get the Arena token in Level 2: Mess Hall Mashup.
- Big Hits: Get the Arena token in Level 4: Undertown And Beyond.
- Magnet: Get the Arena token in Level 1: Stow Away.
- Malfunction: Get the Arena token in Level 5: Core Of The Problem.
- No Time For Heath: Get the Arena token in Level 3: Welcome To Erf.
- Sale On Turrets: Get the Arena token in Level 6: No Time For Sightseeing.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding alien:
- Aerodactyle: Successfully complete Level 2: Mess Hall Mashup.
- Big Chill: Successfully complete Level 3: Welcome To Erf.
- Bullfrag: Successfully complete Level 2: Mess Hall Mashup.
- Cannonbolt: Successfully complete Level 5: Core Of The Problem.
- Gravattack: Successfully complete Level 4: Underground And Beyond.
- Swampfire: Successfully complete Level 1: Stow Away.
- XLR8: Successfully complete Level 4: Underground And Beyond.

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points: Lord of the rings war of the ring pc game cheats.
- Marathon Man (50 points): Run 42,195 meters.
- Breakout (10 points): Smash 25 Breakable Walls.
- Wrecking Crew (20 points): Smash 75 Breakable Walls.
- Smash and Grab (30 points): Smash 150 Breakable Walls.
- Leapfrog (10 points): Leap over 25 Jumpable Walls.
- Jump, Jump (20 points): Leap over 75 Jumpable Walls.
- Spring Shoes (30 points): Leap over 150 Jumpable Walls.
- Fastball Special (10 points): Detonate 25 Explosive Walls with a projectile.
- Sharpshooter (20 points): Detonate 75 Explosive Walls with a projectile.
- Bullseye! (30 points): Detonate 150 Explosive Walls with a projectile.
- Long Jump (10 points): Jump over 20 pits.
- More Power! (30 points): Collect 1,000 Omnitrix Energy Orbs.
- You Break it, You Bought it! (30 points): Break 100 Omnitrix Energy containers.
- Learned Scholar (10 points): Complete the Tutorial Level.
- Lack of Communication (30 points): Complete Level 1.
- Incursean Incursion (30 points): Complete Level 2.
- New Kid on the Block (30 points): Complete Level 3.
- Underground Scene (30 points): Complete Level 4.
- Infiltrate Exterminate (30 points): Complete Level 5.
- Outta There! (30 points): Complete Level 6.
- All In a Day's Work (50 points): Complete the game.
- Check Out These Pythons (25 points): Collect both of Four Arm's Upgrade Tokens in Single Player.
- You're On Fire! (25 points): Collect both of Swampfire's Upgrade Tokens in Single Player.
- How I Roll (25 points): Collect both of Cannonbolt's Upgrade Tokens in Single Player.
- Super-Chirp (25 points): Collect both of Crashhopper's Upgrade Tokens in Single Player.
- Speedy Recovery (25 points): Collect both of XLR8's Upgrade Tokens in Single Player.
- I'm Cool Like That (25 points): Collect both of Big Chill's Upgrade Tokens in Single Player.
- Tastes Like Chicken (25 points): Collect both of Bullfrag's Upgrade Tokens in Single Player.
- Block Party (25 points): Collect both of Bloxx's Upgrade Tokens in Single Player.
- Wing and a Prayer (25 points): Collect both of Astrodactyl's Upgrade Tokens in Single Player.
- Newtonian Alien (25 points): Collect both of Gravattack's Upgrade Tokens in Single Player.
- Not Just Another Toadie (15 points): Defeat 25 Toad Battlers.
- Flame Retardant (15 points): Defeat 25 Fire Infantry.
- Lillypad Shootout (15 points): Defeat 25 Toad Assault Mercs.
- Kill You Last (15 points): Defeat 25 Commandos.
- Frozen Assets (15 points): Defeat 25 Ice Infantry.
- Do You Even Lift? (15 points): Defeat 25 Powerlifters.
- Tank Spanker (15 points): Defeat 25 Toad Tank Mechs.
- Bad Case of Gas (15 points): Defeat 25 Gas Infantry.
- Challenge Accepted (20 points): Collect all the Arena Challenge Tokens.
- Can't We All Just Get Along? (30 points): Defeat all Arena Challenges.
- Return To Sender (5 points): Use the 'Return to Azmuth' option in the Pause Menu.
- I'm Not Dead Yet! (15 points): Change from Ben back into an Alien Form without dying.
- Hero (20 points): Complete the game on Hero Difficulty.