Untuk selengkapnya mengenai cheat ini, silakan anda baca pada artikel berikut ini: Trik Curang / Cheat Meningkatkan Level Home City di Age of Empires III. Cheat Unlimited Cards untuk Deck di Age of Empires III Cara curang terakhir yang dapat anda lakukan adalah dengan mengubah banyaknya Cards yang tersedia di dalam deck untuk digunakan.

Age of Empires 2 is a real-time strategy game developed by Ensemble Studios as the second instalment in the Age of Empires series. The challenging campaigns restrict you to strict story-based conditions and sometimes you might find yourself in search for an Age of Empire 2 cheat to gain an edge, you’re in luck for in this guide, we outline all Age of Empire 2 cheats and command line functions.
Cara Cheat Age of Empire 2 Berikut ini adalah tutorial melakukan cheat age of empire 2. Buka game Age of Empire 2 kamu; Tekan Enter atau tombol kembali saat di dalam game; Nanti akan muncu chat box; Setelah itu masukkan kode cheat age of empirenya; Selesai deh; Menggunakan cheat ini fitur Achievement jadi tidak aktif. Langkah 3 - Game akan berjalan kembali dan jika kamu memasukkan kode cheat Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings dengan benar, efeknya akan langsung terlihat. Simpel banget, kan, cara menggunakan cheat Age of Empires 2? Buat yang sudah penasaran, berikutnya akan Jaka bahas daftar kode cheat Age of Empires 2!

The cheats outlined in this guide should be used for the singleplayer campaign only. Using cheats, hacks and trainers in online multiplayer is irresponsible, unsportsmanlike and can attract bans and penalties to your gamer account. It is also quite frustrating to fellow players online.
Cara Cheat Game Age Of Empire 21
Age of Empires II Cheat List
To activate a cheat, press the ‘Enter’ key to open a chat window, then activate the cheat by entering its corresponding cheat phrase.
Cheat Phrase | Effect |
cheese steak jimmy’s | 1000 Food |
robin hood | 1000 Gold |
rock on | 1000 Stone |
lumberjack | 1000 wood |
I love the monkey head | Spawn a Useless Villager |
black death | Slay all opponents |
aegis | Instant building |
how do you turn this on | Spawn Shelby AC Cobra |
wimpywimpywimpy | Commit Suicide |
woof woof | Spawn a flying dog |
natural wonders | Control the Animals instead of men |
marco | Full Map |
furious the monkey boy | Furious the Monkey Boy |
resign | Instant Lose |
i r winner | Instant Victory |
black death | Kill All Opponents |
torpedo(1-8) | Kill Indicated Opponent (depends on slot number they’re in) |
polo | Disable the fog of war |
to smithereens | Saboteur Unit |
!mute | Will not hear any taunts |
!nomute | Undoes the !mute code |
READ ALSO: Age of Wonders 3 Cheats: Debug Console & Cheat Tables
Cheat Codes for Japanese Version of Age of Empires II
Cheat Phrase | Effect |
pepperoni pizza | 1000 Food |
coinage | 1000 Gold |
quarry | 1000 Stone |
woodstock | 1000 Wood |
gaia | Control all animals instead of men |
steroids | Instant building |
no fog | Disable the fog of war |
reveal map | View the entire map |
You can alternatively use the following shortcut keys to activate the corresponding cheats below:
- Ctrl+P – Build an immutable structure
- Ctrl+C – View ending
- Ctrl+Q – Speedy construction
- Ctrl+T – New resource menu
Age of Empires 2 Command line Cheat Codes
You can launch the game with one of the following command line functions to activate a corresponding cheat code.
How to Add Parameters in HD Version
- Right-click on the game in your Steam library and choose “Properties”
- Click on “set launch options”
- Add any command line parameters. Capitalization IS important. Put a space between each one; for example: FASTVALIDATE OLD_SCHOOL NOSOUND

How to Add Parameters in CD Version
- Right-click on the game exe (usually age2_x1.exe) and choose “create shortcut”
- Right-click on the shortcut and choose “Properties”
- Add command line parameters in the space behind the text in “Target:” For example: “C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft GamesAge of Empires II age2_x1.exe ” NoMusic NoStartUp
- Parameters must be separated by a space; capitalization is not important.
Cara Cheat Game Age Of Empire 2 Full Free
Parameter | Effect |
1024 | 1024 x 768 screen resolution |
1280 | 1280 x 1024 screen resolution |
800 | 800 x 600 screen resolution |
autompsave | Auto Save |
NoMusic | Disable ALL music |
NoSound | Disable ALL sounds except during FMV sequences |
NoTerrainSound | Disable ALL terrain sounds |
Msync | Fix SoundBlaster AWE freezes |
NoStartup | Disable the Pre-Game FMV Sequences |
NormalMouse | Standard Mouse Pointer |
The command line codes are not case-sensitive.
Cara Cheat Game Age Of Empire 2017
Hopefully, this guide on all Age of Empire 2 cheats gives you that much needed edge in the real-time strategy gem that is this game.