A Link To The Past Jp 1.0 Game Genie Cheats

The old 1.0 version of the patch was released on the Romhacking.net forums, but it had a few cutscenes which would desync along with slow loading times and a few bugs. The new 2.0 version fixes all of those problems while also fixing a large number of issues with the script.

Requires Zelda Keycode
Enable Code (Must Be On)
(Xplorer 64 Only!)
2A096820 2400
Enable Code (Must Be On)
(GS 2.5 Or 3.30 Needed!)
(Due to a bug in GS 3.0, 3.10, 3.20 & 3.21, this enable code still doesnt work, even the long ass version of it, ala DK 64, did not work either.)
ALSO NOTE: With this FF enable code, it doesnt give the device much room to store 'Active Cheats'... Therefore only 7 or 8 codes will be activate any once.
F1096820 2400
FF000220 0000
Activator 1 P1 D03E6B3A 00??
Activator 2 P1 D03E6B3B 00??
Dual Activator P1 D13E6B3A 00??
Infinite Health 811EF6A6 0140
Max Health 811EF6A4 0140
Infinite Magic 801EF6A9 0030
Have Ocarina Of Time 801EF6E0 0000
Have Hero's Bow 801EF6E1 0001
Have Fire Arrow (MP2) 801EF6E2 0002
Have Ice Arrow (MP2) 801EF6E3 0003
Have Light Arrow (MP4) 801EF6E4 0004
Have Event Item Modifier 1 801EF6E5 00??
Have Bomb 801EF6E6 0006
Have Bombchu 801EF6E7 0007
Have Deku Stick 801EF6E8 0008
Have Deku Nut 801EF6E9 0009
Have Magic Beans 801EF6EA 000A
Have Event Item Modifier 2 801EF6EB 00??
Have Powder Keg 801EF6EC 000C
Have Pictograph Box 801EF6ED 000D
Have Lens Of Truth 801EF6EE 000E
Have Hookshot 801EF6EF 000F
Have Item Modifier 1 801EF6F0 00??
Have Event Item Modifier 3 801EF6F1 00??
Have Bottle Modifier 1 801EF6F2 00??
Have Bottle Modifier 2 801EF6F3 00??
Have Bottle Modifier 3 801EF6F4 00??
Have Bottle Modifier 4 801EF6F5 00??
Have Bottle Modifier 5 801EF6F6 00??
Have Bottle Modifier 6 801EF6F7 00??
Infinite Rupees 811EF6AA 03E7
Infinite Arrows 801EF711 0009
Infinite Bombs 801EF716 0009
Infinite Bombachus 801EF717 0009
Infinite Deku Sticks 801EF718 0009
Infinte Deku Nuts 801EF719 0009
Infinite Magic Beans 801EF71A 0009
Infinite Powder Keg 801EF71C 0009
Have Postman's Mask 801EF6F8 003E
Have All-Night Mask 801EF6F9 0038
Have Blast Mask 801EF6FA 0047
Have Stone Mask 801EF6FB 0045
Have Great Fairy's Mask 801EF6FC 0040
Have Deku Mask 801EF6FD 0032
Have Keaton Mask 801EF6FE 003A
Have Breman Mask 801EF6FF 0046
Have Bunny Hood 801EF700 0039
Have Don Gero's Mask 801EF701 0042
Have Mask of Scents 801EF702 0048
Have Goron Mask 801EF703 0033
Have Romani's Mask 801EF704 003C
Have Circus Leader's Mask 801EF705 003D
Have Kafei's Mask 801EF706 0037
Have Couple Mask 801EF707 003F
Have Mask of Truth 801EF708 0036
Have Zora Mask 801EF709 0034
Have Kamaro's Mask 801EF70A 0043
Have Gibdo Mask 801EF70B 0041
Have Garo's Mask 801EF70C 003B
Have Captain's Hat 801EF70D 0044
Have Giant's Mask 801EF70E 0049
Have Fierce Deity's Mask 801EF70F 0035
Maximum Visibility 80166118 0020
Semi-Walk through Walls #1 8017CBC4 0020
Semi-Walk through Walls #2 18017CBAC 0020
No Collisions 28017F5B4 0020
Blue Fog 80166108 0020
Pink Fog 8016610C 0020
Yellow Fog 80166110 0020
Alternate Entrances 38016A720 0020
Fight Demo Majora's Mask 8016A718 0020
L Button For Moon Jump 4D03E6B3B 0020
813FFE18 40CB
Item/Bottle Modifier Digits 5N/A
All Items Can Be Used As Any Character 6811F3588 0000 811F358A 0000
All Quest/Status Items 801EF72D 0005
811EF72E F7CF
Link's Form Modifier 7801EF690 00??
B Button Modifier 8801EF6BC 00??
C-Left Button Modifier 801EF6BD 00??
C-Down Button Modifier 801EF6BE 00??
C-Right Button Modifier 801EF6BF 00??
All Equipment Upgrades 9801EF6DD 0023
811EF72A 201B
Fast Time Flow(D-up) 10D03E6B3B 0008
811F35C8 0101
Double Magic Meter 811EF6B0 0101
Day Modifier 11801EF68B 00??
Time of Day Modifier 12811EF67C ????
Double Defense 801EF6B2 0001
801EF743 0014
Have Big Key, Compass, & Map 811EF730 0707
811EF732 0707
Have All Stray Fairies 811EF744 0F0F
811EF746 0F0F
Infinite Small Keys 811EF73A 0909
811EF73C 0909
Mask Modifier 13803FFF03 00??
Swipe Stay Modifier 14801E4FAF 00??
Hold Weapon Style Modifier 15803FFEFF 00??
Use Shield With Two-Handed Weapons 16803FFF01 0008
Time Flow Modifier 17811EF686 ????
Always Have Swipe 188040088B 0001
Swipe Succession Modifier 198040088D 00XX
A link to the past jp 1.0 game genie cheats 4
  • For The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on the Super Nintendo, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled 'How do I get the blue pendant?'
  • I’m here waving at you because we’re hoping to boost our Supporter count. When we removed most of the ads from NG in January, our goal was to hit 4,000 active Supporters in 2020.

1With this code, it works for a few places, for kafei's place, swing sword at door to go through.
2With this code, you are able to go through all rocks, freezing ice, people, and other props. Not able to go through doors though. Also immune to some enemies.
3With this code, never play the song of time with this code on, it will erase your game!!! Also never ride Epona. This code's only use is that it allows you to get to certain save points before you are suppose to. Once you get to a stone owl, save the game. Then turn off this code!
4With this code, you need to press and hold the 'L' button to rise up in the air, and then let go when you are at your desired height to fall.
5Misc. Items05 - Japanese Flute?
0B - Japanese Item?
10 - Great Fairy's Sword
11 - Japanese Hookshot?
31 - Japanese Scroll?
4A - Japanese Bow?
12 - Empty Bottle
13 - Red Potion
14 - Green Potion
15 - Blue Potion
16 - Fairy
17 - Deku Princess
18 - Milk
19 - Milk (1/2)
1A - Fish
1B - Bug
1C - Blue Fire
1D - Poe
1E - Big Poe
1F - Spring Water
20 - Hot Spring Water
21 - Zora Egg
22 - Gold Dust
23 - Magical Mushroom
24 - Sea Horse
25 - Chateau Romani
26 - Japanese Bottle?
27 - Empty Japanese Bottle?
Event Items
28 - Moon's Tear
29 - Land Title Deed
2A - Swap Title Deed
2B - Mountain Title Deed
2C - Ocean Title Deed
2D - Room Key
2E - Special Delivery To Mama
2F - Letter To Kafei
30 - Pendant Of Memories
6You can use any weapon as any transformation. you can even always be fierce deity link. some items may freeze when used as certain people like the bow but it does look cool if you find certian combinations. the deku scrub can even use the great fairy sword.
700 - Fierce Deity Link
01 - Goron Link
02 - Zora Link
03 - Deku Link
04 - Normal Link
8Misc Items
4A - Fire Arrow w/ Bow
4B - Ice Arrow w/ Bow
4C - Light Arrow w/ Bow
4D - Kokiri Sword
4E - Razor Sword
4F - Guilded Sword
50 - Deity Link's Sword
59 - Mystery Potion?(don't use)
5C - Fishing Pole
Boss Masks
5D - Odolwa's Remains
5E - Goht's Remains
5F - Gyrog's Remains
60 - Twinmold's Remains
9If you want the Guilded sword, you must put on the FD mask then take it off, or use this code 801EF6BC 004F in addition to the other codes, then save your game.
10Once it starts, you can't stop it unless you go into the Clock Tower or wait until a whole new day.
1100 - 'Day 0'
01 - 1st Day
02 - 2nd Day
03 - 3rd Day
04 - Dawn of a New Day
If you put in the value 00, make sure it has an activator in front of it and hold it down when you go to a new area. Do NOT talk to ANYONE on Day 0 as the game WILL freeze. On the dawn of a new day, make sure not to play the Song of Double Time.
124001 - 6am
8000 - 12pm
C000 - 6pm
FFFF - 12am
If you switch between night and day the days will progress.
13Replace ?? with any of the below values. Make sure you equip the mask to a C-button and use the 'Use Any Items As Any Character' code. Masks can be used in any form they just might not show properly.
00 - No Mask
01 - Mask of Truth
02 - Kafei's Mask
03 - All-Night Mask
04 - Bunny Hood
05 - Keaton Mask
06 - Garon Mask
07 - Romani's Mask
08 - Circus Leader's Mask
09 - Postman's Hat
0A - Couple's Mask
0B - Great Fairy's Mask
0C - Gibdo Mask
0D - Don Gero's Mask
0E - Kamaro's Mask
0F - Captain's Hat
10 - Stone Mask
11 - Bremen Mask
12 - Blast Mask(+)
13 - Mask of Scents
14 - Giant's Mask(yes it works)(*)
15 - Fierce Deity's Mask(*)
16 - Goron Mask(*)
17 - Zora Mask(*)
18 - Deku Mask(*)
* Means that if you don't have the mask equipped to a C-button, you will get stuck. Also, if you take one of these masks off with the C-button you will get stuck.
+ Don't ! use it, you can't transform.
14This modifies how long that white swipe when attacking will stay on the screen. Set this to 00 to disable swipes.
1500 - Swing both hands
01 - Low Left Hand, right hand shield
02 - Swing left hand, right hand shield
03 - Both hands held in front
04 - Swing both hands
05 - Swing both hands
06-0B - Hurt Link & 'Rear slide roll'
16I seriously recommend adding one of these activators. If you are going to use the hookshot
D23FFEF7 000D
So your code would look like this:
D23FFEF7 000D
803FFF01 0008
170000 - Normal Speed
0007 - Double Speed
0100 - Really Fast
FFFD - Stopped
FFFA - Backwards
FEFA - Really Fast Backwards
Don't go bakcwards in time past 6am/6pm because it will make you go either ahead one day or behind a day. Also, do not go backwards past 6:30am on the first day in South Clock Town.
18With this code on, you will not be able to jump off of anything unless you use an activator. Swing a weapon and the swipe it leaves behind will continue to trail. If this trail hits an enemy it will get hurt.
1900 - Cannot execute the 2nd and 3rd swing blow
01 - Cannot execute the 3rd swing blow
02 - Skips the 2nd swing blow, jump attacks end in a backwards attack
03 - Freezes when Zora Link attacks

The Legend of Zelda is a classic NES title released in 1987 and was a huge commercial success. Even with NES emulators, it still remains popular even today. Here are a few classic cheats for the traditional NES user and some cheat codes for the NES emulator user.

Legend of Zelda Cheats for NES emulators

There are various custom codes that people develop throughout the net to customize and work around the Legend of Zelda as they see fit, but they lack uniformity and are usually difficult to work with. Game Genie codes offer the best cheats without drastically altering the game’s setup, and works fairly well within an NES emulator. The Game Genie was a nifty device back in the late 80s that developed specific cheats for all of your NES favorites. Some NES emulators integrated the Game Genie cheat programs into their software to add to the already nostalgic effect of playing the NES. The fact is, everyone used cheats back in the day and still love to today. It’s good for a fun, relaxing run of the game after you’ve nearly died of frustration through the game normally. Nestopia is a very good NES emulator that incorporates the Game Genie cheat codes. You can download Nestopia free from the internet and install on your hard drive or on custom USB drivesfor portability.

The Legend of Zelda Game Genie NES cheat codes:

  • Be invincible (Take zero damage from enemies) – AVVLAUSZ
  • Make all items available for free – SZVXASVK + AEVEVALG
  • Infinite weapon: Bombs – SZNZVOVK
  • Make character with 8 life hearts – YYKPOYZZ
  • Make character with 16 life hearts – NYKPOYZX
  • Wear a red ring – OSKUILTA
  • Wear a blue ring – ESKUILTA
  • Keep rubies when purchasing items – SZVXASVK

Legend of Zelda Cheats for NES

Save game without dying

Here’s how you save the game without taking the time to die properly. For this you’ll need a second controller. Press start on controller 1 (this is the controller you’re using for 1st player). This will bring up the pause screen menu. Then press Up + A button on controller 2. The save screen will then appear but you won’t have the option of retry. You can also press Up + Start on controller 2 for a quick save.

No charge for a broken door

For this you’ll need a second controller. Press both A and B buttons on controller 2 immediately after the old man asks Link to pay for the broken door.

Steal items without being noticed

Go to the store in the game. Take an item off the shelf and walk around the guy behind the counter in a clockwise direction. Leave the ship when he has his back turned to still the item.

Start game at Second Quest

In order to do this you would have needed to beat the game at least once. When you start, enter your name as ZELDA. You’ll start at the second quest with most of the items.

A Link To The Past Jp 1.0 Game Genie CheatsCodes

“The Case of the Missing Door”

A Link To The Past Jp 1.0 Game Genie Cheats 4

This is a pretty well known cheat (although technically it’s a glitch). When you first enter Level 1 in the First Quest of the game, immediately leave and re-enter the area. The locked door in the area will be gone.

Kill Gohma quick and easy

Before you enter Gohma’s room, get your bow and arrows ready. Go inside and quickly shoot an arrow. Gohma will be right in front of you with his eye open so you end up killing him with one shot.

Refill Red-colored Water of Life

Once you use a red-colored Water of Life it will turn blue. This basically means that you can only use it one more time before you no longer have it. You can “refill” it without buying a second Red-colored Water of Life. When you’re Red Water of Life is blue, go to the Old Woman and buy a Blue Water of Life. This will make your Blue Water of Life into a Red one.

Fewer Enemies in an area

A Link To The Past Jp 1.0 Game Genie Cheats Free

Kill all the enemies in a particular area screen except for one. The next time you go through this area there will only be the one enemy you left there, so you don’t have to fight all of them again.

Restore your health automatically

For this you’ll need a second controller. Go to a Lake of a Great Fairy when you health gauge is low to restore it. As you approach the lake, your health gauge will slowly begin to fill up. As this is happening, press Start on controller 1 and enter the item selection screen. As you do this, your health gauge will continue to fill up. Press Up+A on the second controller to return to the Save menu. Select Save, a load your character’s file. Once it’s loaded, instead of remaining at the default of 3 hearts, you character ill have its health fully restored right at the start.