Black Rock Shooter The Game Cheats

Thread Rating:Black rock shooter game pc

S NPUH-10126 G BLACK ROCK SHOOTER THE GAME US C1 Attack 999 L 0x11627640 0x000003E7 C1 Defense 999 L 0x11627644 0x000003E7 C0 Skill All L 0x11627648 0x000003E7.

  • 1 Votes - 5 Average
Black Rock Shooter The Game [USA]
07-26-2013, 04:51 AM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2013 03:45 PM by vnctdj.)
Black Rock Shooter The Game [USA]
look like i can get some code,since it just release this year,there's not much i found.
_S NPUH-10126
_G Black Rock Shooter [USA]
_C1 Attack 999
_L 0x11627640 0x000003E7
_C1 Defense 999
_L 0x11627644 0x000003E7
_C1 Skill All
_L 0x11627648 0x000003E7
_C1 MAX Hp [While Engaged]
_L 0x10CB53FC 0x0000270F
_L 0x11627628 0x0000270F
_C1 -- EXP Codes --
_C0 LVL UP 10
_L 0x21627608 0x0000270F
_C0 LVL UP 22
_L 0x21627608 0x0001869F
_L 0x21627608 0x000F423F
_C1 MAX Hp 9999 [Engaged]
_L 0x20CB53FC 0x0000270F
_C0 -- More EXP Codes --
_C0 99 EXP Get[After Engaged]
_L 0x215F07A4 0x00000063
_C0 999 EXP Get[After Engaged]
_L 0x215F07A4 0x000003E7
_C1 9999 EXP Get[After Engaged]
_L 0x215F07A4 0x0000270F
_C0 99999 EXP Get[After Engaged]
_L 0x215F07A4 0x0001869F
_C1 -- BIKE Missions --
_C1 HP MAX on Bike
_L 0x204D60B4 0x000003E8
_L 0x20505354 0x000003E8
_C0 Striker Rdy
_L 0x205384B0 0x00000005
some working good like exp,lvl[skip],infi hp,attack,but i think skill code not working.
my sub weapon:
xperia mini hd
1ghz scorpion
single core
not clocked
my ultimate weapon
2.2ghz ?core
intel media accelarator 3000
i'm a tester,but not as good as other,please be kind with me,haha.
Post: #2
RE: Black Rock Shooter The Game [USA]
it is very tough to get the right addresses for this game but if it works it is fun (see clip).

Black Rock Shooter The Game Cheats Ppsspp

09-24-2013, 02:18 AM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2013 01:39 PM by Gameshark.)
Black Rock Shooter USA Bike Mission Cheats
first : these codes are random and i think i have found the most regular ones,
second : the camera codes can and will eventually crash the game but it looks so good.
if you play with the camera codes then only select the bike mission you wanna play or the game will crash.
if you play without the camera codes you can select all 5bike codes as these are for unlimited weapons fire during bike missions.
because the game put the bike missions at random in the memory of the 'psp' some adresses are occupied by other values and that makes the game crash.
look at the vids and enjoy.
_L 0x0017189A 0x00000080
_C1 1KIL
_L 0x01627642 0x0000000A
_C1 1KIL
_L 0x0162764A 0x0000000A
_L 0x004A5F1B 0x00000042
_L 0x004A5F1A 0x00000064
_L 0x004A5ED7 0x00000043
_L 0x004A5ED6 0x00000064
_C1 5BIKE1
_L 0x00467AE0 0x00000005
_L 0x00477C6B 0x00000042
_L 0x00477C6A 0x00000064
_L 0x00477C27 0x00000043
_L 0x00477C26 0x00000064
_L 0x00477BDB 0x00000042
_L 0x00477BDA 0x00000064
_L 0x00477B97 0x00000043
_L 0x00477B96 0x00000064
_C1 5BIKE1
_L 0x00467A50 0x00000006
_C1 5BIKE1
_L 0x00495D90 0x00000005
_L 0x00477C2B 0x00000042
_L 0x00477C2A 0x00000064
_L 0x00477BE6 0x00000064
_L 0x00477BE7 0x00000043
_C1 5BIKE1
_L 0x00467AA0 0x00000005
_L 0x0017189A 0x00000080
_C1 1KIL
_L 0x01627642 0x0000000A
_C1 1KIL
_L 0x0162764A 0x0000000A
_C1 5BIKE2
_L 0x005185A0 0x00000006
_L 0x0052872B 0x00000042
_L 0x0052872A 0x00000064
_L 0x005286E6 0x00000064
_L 0x005286E7 0x00000043
_C1 5BIKE2
_L 0x0051E130 0x00000005
_L 0x0052E2BB 0x00000042
_L 0x0052E2BA 0x00000064
_L 0x0052E276 0x00000064
_L 0x0052E277 0x00000043
_L 0x0052E38B 0x00000042
_L 0x0052E38A 0x00000064
_L 0x0052E347 0x00000043
_L 0x0052E346 0x00000064
_C1 5BIKE2
_L 0x0051E200 0x00000005
_C1 5BIKE2
_L 0x00518550 0x00000005
_L 0x005286DB 0x00000042
_L 0x005286DA 0x00000064
_L 0x00528697 0x00000043
_L 0x00528696 0x00000064
_C1 5BIKE2
_L 0x0051DFE0 0x00000005
_L 0x0052E16B 0x00000042
_L 0x0052E16A 0x00000064
_L 0x0052E126 0x00000064
_L 0x0052E127 0x00000043
_L 0x0017189A 0x00000080
_C1 1KIL
_L 0x01627642 0x0000000A
_C1 1KIL
_L 0x0162764A 0x0000000A
_L 0x0052E1DB 0x00000042
_L 0x0052E1DA 0x00000064
_L 0x0052E196 0x00000064
_L 0x0052E197 0x00000043
_C1 5BIKE3
_L 0x0051E050 0x00000005
_C1 5BIKE3
_L 0x0051E0A0 0x00000005
_L 0x0052E22B 0x00000042
_L 0x0052E22A 0x00000064
_L 0x0052E1E6 0x00000064
_L 0x0052E1E7 0x00000043
_L 0x0052E15B 0x00000042
_L 0x0052E15A 0x00000064
_L 0x0052E116 0x00000064
_L 0x0052E117 0x00000043
_C1 5BIKE3
_L 0x0051DFD0 0x00000005
Black Rock Shooter USA cheats by GameShark
ps it was early in the morning and i forgot this tread and for people who wanna download the ini file just check out black rock shooter ini file ppsspp .
thanks in advance,
o and the speed code is set on original speed but you could change it to 255 if you wanna walk faster
if you check out the video's on youtube i thank you all very much.
Post: #4
RE: Black Rock Shooter USA Bike Mission Cheats
(09-24-2013 02:18 AM)Gameshark Wrote: first : these codes are random and i think i have found the most regular ones,
second : the camera codes can and will eventually crash the game but it looks so good.
third : i wil post these codes after i finished work so in about 12 hours from now.
look at the vids and enjoy.

why not post in the thread i make?we must make it easy and clean,if you have the cheat code that don't exist here,we gladly welcome it ,& share it in the existed thread.
please don't make double thread,and if you have other games cheat that don't have it thread,you're welcome to make it(read the rule and guide first)
my sub weapon:
xperia mini hd
1ghz scorpion
single core
not clocked
my ultimate weapon
2.2ghz ?core
intel media accelarator 3000
i'm a tester,but not as good as other,please be kind with me,haha.
Black rock shooter the game cheat codes
09-24-2013, 04:40 AM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2013 04:41 AM by SeiRyuu.)
RE: Black Rock Shooter USA Bike Mission Cheats
this should be merged to make it more convenient -_-'
my english is poor , sorry
Post: #6
RE: Black Rock Shooter USA Bike Mission Cheats
Agreed. If it was for a different region, I'd disagree, but since it's not...
3.8ghz i7 5930K, 16GB DDR4 RAM, 4GB Nvidia GTX 970, Asus X99 PRO, Windows 7 (SP1) x64
How to ask useful questions:
I'm not Dark_Alex, nor do I claim to be. Our nicknames are merely coincidence.
Post: #7
RE: Black Rock Shooter The Game [USA]
● If you report (or happen to find any) game/mini/demo that's still not on the compatibility list yet even after 48 hours, you can PM me the link!
● Sorry for my bad english, I'm Indonesian.
07-27-2014, 07:29 AM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2014 07:29 AM by larxeas.)
RE: Black Rock Shooter The Game [USA]
this is a stupid question,but sir do u have a Cwcheat that enable to walk through walls?
12-13-2014, 02:07 AM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2014 02:14 AM by vo0029.)
RE: Black Rock Shooter The Game [USA]
Here is the pointer i find:
_C1 Stryker Gage MAX
_L 0x60176F60 0x00000005
_L 0x00020001 0x00000880
i don't know if it work for u guys
Warning: Turn on the cheat when u on a bike mission only or it will pause your game and disable it after finish! good luck
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Black Rock Shooter Game Pc

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System: PS Vita
Dev: Imageepoch
Pub: NIS America
Release: April 23, 2013
Players: 1
Screen Resolution: 544p
Sexy Mega Man Saves The World
by Robert VerBruggen

Black Rock Shooter’s origins begin with an artist's sketch of an attractive young woman with a large metal cannon for an arm. Since then it's grown into a major franchise in Japan, with everything from an eight-episode anime series to an assortment of video games. The most popular of these video games is the 2011 action/RPG Black Rock Shooter: The Game. Black Rock Shooter finally arrived in the US Tuesday as a PSP/Vita download.

The Story of BRS leaves something to be desired. The high-school caliber story stars a sexy Mega Man who awakens from her slumber to fight off the apocalypse. The localization team for the U.S. version of the game didn’t redub the dialog, so you’ll be stuck reading subtitles if you want to follow the plot. Because of the subtitles, the large number of cutscenes in the game make following along with the story a chore. At least it’s short; BRS clocks in at a solid fifteen hours.

The game is still fun to play despite the tedious story-telling thanks to a highly innovative combat system. The combat mixes a third-person shooter feel with classic RPG game mechanics. When not in battle, the standard third-person gameplay lets you move in any direction you want. It also lets you jump over gaps and climb up obstacles. But as soon as you come into contact with an enemy, the whole experience changes. The distinct combat events play like a Final Fantasy game.

The gameplay in battle limits you to a narrow set of moves. You can aim your gun, dodge, and block. You can’t walk freely in three-dimensional space or take cover. The auto-aim here is so generous that it feels like you’re selecting a target rather than actually aiming. As a result, BRS plays more like Chrono Trigger than Gears of War.

Black Rock Shooter Psp

Black Rock Shooter also tests your sense of timing. Each enemy attack is a risk-reward scenario: if you dodge at just the right moment, you won't take damage; if you block, you'll take a little damage; and if you try to dodge and miss, you can take a lot of damage at once, especially with bosses. The controls are nice and responsive, making the player own every failure.

Black Rock Shooter The Game Cheats Walkthroughs

There are a variety of other interesting features, too. Shooting and dodging cause your character to heat up, for example. Not only will she eventually overheat, at which point she'll be rendered inert and vulnerable for a few seconds, but heating up also makes her do less damage. You have to give her a second to cool down periodically so she stays effective.

Black Rock Shooter The Game Cheats Xbox 360

As you gain levels and meet various objectives, you learn skills that you can use during battle. These skills include special attacks, stat boosts, and even the ability to recharge your health. A cooldown timer prevents player abuse. Up to four of these skills can be equipped at a time.