Pokemon Black / White It may not break the Pokemon mold, but Black/White offers enough new content coupled with the series' classic, deep battle mechanics to make it endlessly playable.
Defeat the Elite Four. Then, leave your house after the credits complete, and Professor Juniper's father will upgrade your Pokedex to the National Dex.
Hold item locationsThe following items can be found at the indicated locations:
- Amulet Coin: Unite the three dancers in Castelia City. Defeat the first one by the fountain, and he will ask you to find two other dancers. They are found on Narrow Street and a Unity Pier. Fight them, and then talk to them afterwards. Go back to the fountain, and talk to the dancer in the middle to get the Amulet Coin, which increases the money you gain.
- Big Root: Found in Pinwheel Forest or 5% chance from a wild Lileep or Cradily. This item increases the HP that results from successful Energy draining moves (for example, Leech Seed).
- Black Sludge: Has a 5% chance from a wild Trubbish, Croagunk, or Toxicroak, or 50% chance from a wild Garbodor. This item restores 1/16th of a Poison-type Pokemon's HP every turn. It damages other types when held.
- Experience Share: Given to you by the CEO/Janitor of the Battle Company on the Floor 55 in Castelia City.
- Health Wing: Defeat the fourth gym leader, then begin to cross Charizard Bridge. Toward the middle is a shadowy black dot floating on the ground. Step on top of it to get the Health Wing, which increases the base health level of a Pokemon.
- Leftovers: Found in a garbage can under the Village Bridge between Route 11 and Route 12. The Dousing Machine must be used to find it. This item restores 1/16th of a Pokemon's health every turn.
- Lucky Egg: Given to you by Professor Juniper when you arrive at Chargestone Cave on Route 6. This item gives extra experience points to the Pokemon holding it in any battle it participates in.
- Macho Brace: Found in Nimbasa City, from a man standing at the eastern gate. This item will doubles the EV points the Pokemon gets in battle but will halves its speed stat.
- Scope Lens: Found on Floor 47 in the Battle Company in Castelia City. This item boosts a Pokemon's critical hit ratio.
Power Hold items: Purchased at the Battle Subway.
- Power Weight: +4 HP EV points after every battle, 50% speed stat
- Power Bracer: +4 Attack EV points after every battle, 50% speed stat
- Power Belt: +4 Defense EV points after every battle, 50% speed stat
- Power Lens: +4 Special Attack EV points after every battle, 50% speed stat
- Power Band: +4 Special Defense EV points after every battle, 50% speed stat
- Power Anklet: +4 HP EV points after every battle, 50% speed stat
Go to the second floor of the building with the scientist that wants a password at Castelia City. Talk to him, and say 'Everyone Happy', then 'Simple Connection'. Save the game, and you can now use the 'Relocator' option at the main menu to transfer the Legendary Trio (Raikou, Suicune, and Entei) and Celebi to Pokemon Black or Pokemon White.
Unity TowerUnity Tower is located in the oceans of Unova. To access it, do an international trade using the Geonet. Then, travel to Unity Tower by getting on the boat at the Unity Pier at Castelia City. The Unity Tower tracks people from different countries available on the Geonet. You may talk to these people and track things about them.
WallpapersDefeat the Elite Four to unlock a new set of wallpapers. Defeat them again to unlock another set of wallpapers.
Alternate Trainer Card colorsSuccessfully complete one of the indicated tasks to change to the next card color (black or white, gold, purple, red, or silver):
- 1. Complete the National Pokedex.
- 2. Obtain all Pokemon Musical Items.
- 3. Defeat the Elite 4.
- 4. Get a 49 Streak in both Super Single and Super Double Subway lines in the Battle Subway.
- 5. Obtain all Entralink Powers.
Successfully complete the indicated task to change forms:
- Arceus: Give a plate to Arceus to have it change form.
- Deerling and Sawsbuck: Deerling and Sawsbuck will change into their Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter forms depending on the current season based on the system time.
- Deoxys: Examine the meteor in the museum in Nacrene to cycle through Deoxys' Normal, Attack, Defense, and Speed forms.
- Eevee: Fight enemies near the moss-covered stone in Pinwheel Forest to evolve into Leafeon. Fight enemies near the frozen ice crystal at the bottom of Twist Mountain to evolve into Glaceon
- Feebas: Trade Feebas while it is holding a Prism Scale (obtained on Route 13) to evolve into Milotic.
- Giratina: Give Giratina a Griseous Orb from the Shadow Triad on the Marvelous Bridge to change into its Origin form.
- Karrablast and Shelmet: To evolve Karrablast and Shelmet, trade one for the other with another player. The Karrablast will evolve into Escavalier and the Shelmet will evolve into Accelgor.
- Magneton: Fight enemies in Chargestone Cave to evolve into Magnezone.
- Nosepass: Fight enemies in Chargestone Cave to evolve into Probopass.
- Rotom: Open the boxes in the first door on Floor 1 of Shopping Mall Nine to change into Rotom's Normal, Heat, Wash, Frost, Fan, and Mow forms.
- Shaymin: Give a Gracidea (from the woman in the Pokemon Center in Lacunosa Town) to Shaymin to change it into its Sky form.
Walk over to shaking patches of tall grass to have a chance to encounter Audino. Note: Use Repel in grass to find shaking patches easier.
VictiniUse the Nintendo WiFi connection to get the Mystery Gift (the Liberty Pass) from the main menu before April 10, 2011. Use the Liberty Pass to catch Victini in the dungeon of the tower at Liberty Garden.
ZoraDrop off a Zoroark and Lucario at the Pokemon Day Care, and their egg will be a Zora.
Easy seasonal Pokemon and itemsTo easily catch the Pokemon that show up in different seasons, instead of waiting for the season to change, simply change the system date under the DS settings to the desired month of the season you want it to be. Then, go to any zone, and it will be the corresponding season you changed the date to. You can now catch the different seasonal Pokemon and gain the seasonal items. -From: Kojihidari
Easy experienceDrop off any desired Pokemon at the Day Care Center on Route 3. For each step you take, your Pokemon in the Day Care Center will gain 1 experience point. Run back and forth on the Skyarrow Bridge twenty or more times, and your Pokemon should level-up a few levels by the time you are done. Repeat this process for any desired Pokemon. Note: Make sure you have a lot of money, as you must pay 100 coins each time your Pokemon levels-up.
After defeating the Elite Four, go to the Giant Chasm with two Blisseys in the back of your party. After encountering the Ditto, send in Blissey. Let the Ditto transform into Blissey, then switch out, and defeat the fake Blissey for easy experience.
During the Victini event, after you defeat the Team Plasma members on your way to Victini, save the game. Keep fighting Victini for 500 to 700 experience points. Note: Victini reappears every time you run away or accidentally defeat it.
Easy base statsTo easily increase a Pokemon's base stats, go to one of the bridges (for example, Driftveil Drawbridge or Marvelous Bridge). There will be flying Pokemon shadows that appear on them and Wings that increase a Pokemon's base stats will appear approximately 60% of the time; the other 40% of the time wild Ducklett and Swanna will appear. The Wings that appear are: Health Wing - HP, Muscle Wing - Attack, Resist Wing - Defense, Genius Wing - Special Attack, Clever Wing - Special Defense, Swift Wing - Speed, Pretty Wing - no effect; its only purpose is to be sold. Note: All Wings except the Pretty Wing will raise the base stats until they reach 255. -From: jjsandt
Easy moneyOnce you defeat the Elite 4 for the first time during the story, you can travel the eastern side of Unova. From Nimbasa City, go east, and you will end up on Marvelous Bridge. Once there, notice that you will occasionally hear a 'wing-flap' sound, and a small dark area (similar to those seen in lakes and caves) will appear in a random location on the bridge. There will be a 50% chance that when you step on the dark spot, it will either be a 'Wing' or a Swanna, the White Bird Pokemon. These 'Wings' include the Health Wing, Muscle Wing, Resist Wing, Genius Wing, Clever Wing, Swift Wing, and Pretty Wing. They all give effects similar to those of the Vitamins (Protien, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, etc.) but can be sold for 1,500 PokeDollars. They are very easy to obtain. Keep finding these 'Wings' and sell them in large quantities.
Cheap recovery itemsPokemon White Cheat Codes
In Driftveil City, there is a market where you can buy medicinal herbs, which include Heal Powder, Energy Powder, Energy Root, and Revival Herb. The Heal Powder recovers any status problems of a single Pokemon and is the equivalent of a Full Heal, which costs 600 PokeDollars, but only costs 450 PokeDollars. The EnergyPowder recovers 50 HP and is the equivalent of a Super Potion, which costs 700 PokeDollars, but only costs 500 PokeDollars. The Energy Root recovers 200 HP and is the equivalent of a Hyper Potion, which costs 1,200 PokeDollars, but only costs 800 PokeDollars. The Revival Root is the equivalent of a Max Revive and only costs 2,800 PokeDollars, which is a high price, but at least 'Max Revives' can be bought in the game.
Capturing Pokemon more easilyWhen you encounter a Pokemon you want to catch, weaken it in whatever way desired (HP reduction, status infliction, etc.), then throw an ordinary Poke Ball. When the view zooms in on the Pokemon, use your stylus to trace counter-clockwise circles around the Poke Ball symbol on the touch screen. While doing so, make sure to not trace your circles too fast or too slow. Try to find a good median speed to trace with. This should either make the contained Pokemon roll more or get captured in one roll. Note: This trick seems to work best on higher level Pokemon (at least high level 30s), but it does not work every time you try to catch a Pokemon; it can simply make captures easier with ordinary Poke Balls.
Birthday bonusesSet the system date to your birthday. Then, go to the Pokemon Musical, and talk to the owner upstairs to get the birthday cake prop. Next, talk to the nurse at a Pokemon Center, and she will ask if it is your birthday. Answer 'Yes', and she will wish you a happy birthday. Additionally, the mist will be gone in Routes 14 and 15.
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The Very Rare Sure Catch
I'm not sure if this is how to activate it, but all the times it worked for me, I pressed a+b+l+r until the ball opened, as soon as it opened, I'd press it one more time and when it glowed like it does when it closed id press it again. Then, I would here a noise and it would wiggle in mid air, hit the ground, wiggle once, and lock close. As said before, I'm not sure that's how to activate it, but it is helpfull and random. This is unconfirmed.
How To Get Celebi
Go to GAMESTOP. Ask the clerk. Some are available, but only while supplies last.
Cheats For Pokemon Black
Get Pokemon from Johto, Kanto, Hoenn and Shinnoh
There is a way to get Pokemon like Ditto. First, you need to beat the Champion,Then you need to go to the Marvelous Bridge.While on the way, you will find in the bushes,Pokemon from the 4 regions.
Pokemon From Other Regions
After you beat the elite four and obtain the national pokedex, the two bridges to the right of the center of Unova open and every trainer you run across should at least have one or two pokemon from the other regions. Most of them should be pokemon from the Kanto region.
How To Trade Pokemon When They Know HM's
Put pokemon that knows HM in the PC. Then while in trade mode access the pokemon that knows the HM and trade it.
Cheat Game Pokemon Black And White Episodes
Beating The Elite Four
If you want to beat the elite four, I would suggest you start off to the right of the four rooms. Because on pokemon black and white, you can start the elite four from any member of it. After you beat the elite four, its champion time. But Lord N is now champion cuz he beats the previous champ, Alder, and challenges you to a battle, but before you start, your black stone will start glowing, and TA-DA! Zekrom appears. Use your hopefully saved Master Ball to catch him. If you don't have any space in your party, don't worry cuz after you catch him, a message pops up that asks you if you want to access your pc box. After this is when Lord N challenges you. The battle starts off when he uses his Reshiram; which makes you send out Zekrom. After that is the real battle. Once you beat N, its not over yet; Ghetsis pops up and faces you while you are still weak. After you win, its done, and N turns good.
Easy Fast Exp.
First find a large patch of grass near a road. Then jump onto your bicycle and ride around on the road until a patch of grass starts to shake. Then proceed to run into the shaking grass there will usually be an Audino. Audino's tend to have simple beam, heal pulse, double edge, and after you so you only have to worry about double edge. When you defeat the audino you should gain large amounts of exp. Especially if its high leveled like the ones on route 16. If paired with a traded pokemon or even a lucky egg the exp. Gains could be enormous. Its not uncommon to gain a level per battle till level 50.
Cobalion And Virizion
Cobalion is found in the Mistralton Cave first you need Surf to cross over there then Strength to push the boulders and Virizion is found in pinwheel forest after that old man leaves there are 4 rocks push them with strength.
Catch Pokemon Manually
There is a very easy way to catch pokemon in 5th gen. What you do is press 'A' just before the pokeball is meant to shake. That will, in theory, cause the ball to shake. Trust me, I've done this myself and it works. I caught Zekrom using only three pokeballs.
Yes, Cynthia, from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, is in Pokemon Black and White. She lives in the town to the far right of the map. All her pokemon are on Lv. 75, and are very hard to kill. I havent beaten her yet but I will keep trying. Good luck to all of you who have beaten the elite four.
Getting The National Pokedex
To obtain the National pokedex, you need to beat the elite four. After you do the game will go through those long credits and start from the title screen. You will start off at home as usual. Then you will go outside somewhere and Professor Juniper will upgrade your pokedex.

Some Good Pokemon
Some good pokemon with the right moves most people should have on their team are a zoroark with the moves aerial ace, foul play, swagger (if it can learn it) and dig. IIf your wondering why I said swagger, you can raise the foes attack which boosts foul plays power (foul plays power is more powerful the higher attack the foe has) and the foe gets confused and it should hold a lum berry. Another good pokemon to have is a druddigon holding a rocky helmet (ability and item damage foe when they use a physical attack on druddigon) and it's moves should be dragon claw, double team, flamethrower and dragon tail. And for the zoroark, put a fighting type in the back of your party so the foe might use a phycic attack and since its a dark type, it wont be affected and the foe will probably think you are a hacker.
Easy First Gym Win
The first gym only has the Pokemon that is strong against your starter type. But if you go to the dreamyard that you ' can't get in to' a girl will ad about you starter type and will give you a Pokemon that is strong against the gym leaders Pokemon.
Differences Between Black And White Versions
The diffrence between Pokemon black and white is that in black you can only do triplebattle and in White you can only do rotational battles. Now the diffrence between thesetwo are you'll see more triple battle in pkmn balck and less rotational battles but on theother hand you have pkmm white wich you'll do more rotational battles and less triplebattles. Now here are the diffrences between triple battle and rotational battle. Triplebattle: triple battle is like any other battle but instead of using one pkmn in single battleor using two pkmn at the same time in double battle you can use three pkmn at the sametime in triple battle. Rotational battle: rotational battle is kinda confusing it confuses meand what it is that its like triple battle but you send out three pkmn out at the same timebut the one on the right can attack the one on the right or the middle pkmn and so onbut the best thing bout rotational battle is when you have one of your pokemon in themiddle you can change its place you can put your okmn that was in the middle and nowmove it to your left or right and the okm in the left or right goes oin the middle. Nowremember that pkmn black has more triple battle and less rotational battle and opkmnwhite has more rotational battle then triple battle.
Same Cheats As Black Version
Although there are some differences between white and black versions, much of thesame hints and tips will work for both versions.
Kyruem And Diss
In case you all don't know there's a legendary hiding in the Giant Chasm. He's big, mean, and tough as nails. His name is Kyruem and he's level 75. He's also an ice type, so be prepped. Oh, and 1 more thing. Whoever that guy was that said it took him 3 ultra's to catch Zekrom, YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO CATCH HIM, FOOL! YOU DON'T NEED TO WASTE YOU'RE RESOURCES LIKE THAT!
Valcrona And First Evolved Form (and Darmanitan With Zen)
If you've beaten the game and return to the relic castle professor juniper should stop you before you go in. She'll talk about the statues and tell you there actually Pokemon! She'll give you a rage candy bar. Take it and walk up to a statue I suggest saving before you start because if you trained your Pokemon like I did than it will be hard to beat it with out it fainting. Any way you don't have to worry about it hitting you until you've cut its health in half. Because if I'm right its defense rises by half and it goes into zen mode were it looks like the statue. Once you've caught it (or beaten it in which you'll have to restart)go into the relic castle. Go down to the bottom of it (same way the first time you did it) and walk not to the middle but to the very right. There is a team plasma grunt inside you'll have to battle him to continue which isn't that hard. When you beat him you'll have to walk along a maze and you'll find another sage when looker takes him away walk inside the door due north. There should be a Pokemon standing at the end. This is valcrona. After you've caught him you'll notice that's not his first form so if your trying to complete the game your going to have to walk (or fly if you have common sense)back home. Go talk to mom and shell rest your Pokemon. Also go to the lab depending on how many Pokemon you've caught professor juniper will give you a TM. Now head to route 18. If you don't know where that is look it up when you get there there should be a house immediately there inside they will heal your Pokemon and give you an egg plus further along the route there should be a sage.
In dream yard, considering your starting pokemon you will receive either Pansear, Panpour, or Panseige, you then go to the big city with the docks you go to the first dock near the entrance and there will be a veteran and he'll give you a water stone, a fire stone, or a grass stone to evolve the pokemon you received from the girl in the dream yard.
Strong Musharna
First things first, catch a munna (best to have exp. share) in dream yard then level that munna to at least level 20. Then, at some point in the game, you will receive a moon stone. Use the moon stone and POOF! You have a strong musharna.
1. Cut:Found in the Dreamyard
2. Fly:Bianca gives it to you in Nimbasa City after battling the gym leader
3. Surf:Found in Driftveil City or Route 6
4. Strength:Haven't found it
5. Waterfall:Found in Route 18 one of the seven sages gives it to you
6. Dive:Found in Undella City a girl gives it to you outside right next to the Pokemon Center.
Easy Leveling Up
To do this get the exp. Share then get the lucky egg beat the champion and if you got a good low level pokemon and get a very high level pokemon give it the lucky egg and BOOM! Your low level pokemon will get more exp. Points then usual and of you trade them to black you could get triple exp. points. I did it and got my zekrom to level 75! Doing this and its still going up!
When you beat the pokemon league go to the dreamyard and somewhere you will find a musharna on level 50.
How To Find Rotom
Pokemon Black Cheats Pc
I found Rotom on Route # 14 in a cabin. When I went inside, I saw a Professor who asked ' By any chance have you caught a Ditto? ' ' If you did, would you trade it for my Rotom? 'My little Brother got a ditto and traded it for a Rotom and it knew the moves, ' substitute, charge, electroball, and hex. ' Their Attack stat. is very low ( Bad ). He is level 60.
Hardest Pokemon To Beat On Ghetisis's Team.
The hardest one would be hygrigon because he has moves that would faint your zekrom or reshiram. If you have a serperior prepare to faint because of falme blast or whatever it is called. And if you want his pokemon you need to get a deino on victory road then evolve it at lv. 50 I don't know what the name of the 2nd evolution is. Then evolve him at lv. 62 or 64. Then it would probably be a breeze to beat him.
In Battle Codes (Action Replay)
Game ID: IRAO 0F0875FE
*NOTE: The Game ID for Pokemon White UK and US are the same. They also use the same cheats. Only Pokemon Black UK and US have different cheat inputs and Game ID.
*NOTE: Action Replay Firmware v1. 71+ (AR DS) or v1. 25+ (AR DSi) REQUIRED!
*NOTE: When checking off the cheat codes in your AR DS/DSi, un-check the Game ID box and Firmware box. They might be checked by default. If they stay checked, then your cheats will not work. They are just there for NOTE. Same goes for Pokemon Black US.
Pwnig Zoroark
A shiny zoroark with surprise moves and stuffyou have to put this into columns of two before putting it on your ar, this can be done in word or pages94000130 FFFB0000 B2000024 00000000 E00196C4 000000DC 66C001F9 DED10000D336A8D3 73C7716F EDEAE587 837D314C 40AF1F99 5FA58ABC 155804CF C2B9C89D9E02A1C7 1E567E1A 1F0AB6A0 6450E2F4 32A9495A 25D1D637 94F5DACB B39076367733E96C 793599E3 D347D73D 02DB98A0 8997E60E 20ACD3F3 FA3BF77A DEC96122E366C5FD 44ADEDA6 7B8A76D6 0F63622A 10601983 DA1EF4A0 1337EAF0 6BE937908101FFF1 CE05705E 0003DA6D F27D1D6D 1A38F968 627FCE33 5F8502D9 AF3C080BFD577724 0DF137AC EDE5DE09 77E89C9B 79DE6BE7 452F02BB 262DE575 71D0CBCF5E49EEE2 02440D3D 6FCC293E 3B2AC614 AB42C217 00000000 D2000000 00000000.
Pokemon Movie 14 Event Victini (select+start) Box 15 Slot 2
Trainer Card Color Changes
We have no easter eggs for Pokemon White Version yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Glitch: Easy Day Care EXP
When you're in the Day Car, you get EXP for each step you take. So you can get goodEXP from it (but you will need a lot of cash). Do the following steps:
1. Drop off Pokemon at the Route 3 Day Care (you can drop off 2 pokemon).
2. Go to the Battle Subway in Nimbasa City.
3. Stand the character in the middle of the path, then place something heavy on yourdown and a buttons. If you can get it set up right, you can leave your DS alone for awhile.4. Come back and go back to the Day care and get your Pokemon. BOOM!
Created by: PLDHnet.Read the full guide...