Game Of War Fire Age Tips Cheats

Game Of War Fire Age Tips Cheats

Game of War: Fire Age for Android cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need.

Game of War (fully titled Game of War – Fire Age) is an massive base building / empire management game that I hooked on in the beginning of 2015. Now I find it difficult to stop. This fortunately means that I have a lot of Game of Warcheats, experience, and advice to share with you: tips and tricksto help you improve your kingdom and get you one step closer to being the best player in the game. So let’s check out theGame of War – Fire Agecheats for the iPhone iPad Android and emulators below!
I will start with sound beginner advice below and provide a link to advanced advice and cheats. See advanced cheats link at the bottom.
Advanced Tips Trick & Hacks
1. You Can't Play For Free & Win This Game!... But, Maybe Win Real Life!
My first tip is a wake up call. If you are playing for free, do not expect to be able to compete on any level with people that throw money at this game. Game of War has successfully cracked the code to get people to invest heavily in the game, then never want to leave because of that investment. They also have a great in-game marketing plan, which is to allow other players to quickly destroy your troops and steal your (rss) resources , to prompt your frustrated ego to invest cold hard cash into your city. I'm not bitter. I personally am a mostly free player, and I pay dearly for it... lol. I have had some devastating losses, but mostly I have had a lot of fun, made some great in game friends, and managed several accounts, testing, and taking fame to its limits. Yes, I even been up to some mischief, muahaha!
The following are some tricks, hacks, tips to get you on your merry way. Pay or not, these tips can be useful to all players. Learn them well grasshopper...
1. Barrack Rebuild Event Trick
This is a great trick to cash in on events, especially when your in the lower Strong hold levels. Its especially effective when there is a build bonus. This is also a great trick if you are just a little shy of winning an event and are out of speedups. For this trick, I recommend you focus on researching your building skills, and if possible grab some building equipment to reduce build times. Also, build up and activate your VIP status to get better instant build times.
1) Have an empty build space in your city.
2) Build a barrack as high as you can for instant completion. I think my best was sh 6 or 7.
3) Once you reach the max, instantly destroy it (for free/no use hammer) and build it again.
4) You keep the points and only use a very little amount of supplies.

The rewards more than compensate for your investment. If your patient, and don't get bored easily, you can clear all three events this way... or just make up whatever you are shy for.
2a. Build 2nd Account - Shielded Bank
If you can, build a second account. You pretty much need a second device to use with it, or another pc (See 17. Emulators - Play on your PC and maybe Mac? =) I recommend developing your second to sh14 only if you cant keep it shielded, so you don't have to worry about resurrecting your hero all the time or always logging in. Heros can not be killed until SH15. Make this your food and resource holder. If you can, shield them 24/7. This will most likely cost you cash...
2b. Build 2nd Account - Unshielded Bank/Farm
Attack or trade with your bank/farm? Both are useful. Most banks are shielded. They contain all your rss goodies. But, if you cant afford shielding 24/7, then you risk it being pillaged. If this is the case, set it away from you and make it a lower range strong hold so people will not hit it as much. Then attack it when you need rss. You can also join it to your alliance and trade. If you do this, develop that marketplace as high as possible for higher trade amounts.
3. Food Source & RSS builds
So, you want an army? Well, you'll have to clean up after it, feed it, and take it for walks. Well, actually you don't really need to feed it. Your army will fight just fine without food. And actually it is nearly impossible to have food and a huge army. They just dont scale well together, even with massive research, massive farms and great equipment. So food, is a losing battle. You can tell if someone has a large army, if your scout reports 0 food, even before scrolling downward. So, how to solve this dilemma? Make you bank all food tiles, with one of each other rss tile for sh growth. Once you hit your desired sh level, deconstruct those and make them food, if you wish. Alternatively, you can hunt for food, plenty of abandoned cities have it. But, its nice to have it on demand, when desired.
4. Shielding FTW
Lets face it, you really need to shield 24/7 in this game to get ahead. I pick one city and try to keep it shielded to protect my rss. I leave another unshielded and stuff it with troops and hospitals. I also remove the rss regularly. So when someone hits them, they will lose their troops and mine will be hospitalized. Then I use my resource city to quickly restore them back up. I do this to create a deterrent for farming in my area. most people don't scout before attacking. Especially big accounts.
5. Build Multiple Accounts
I went with the strategy of building multiple accounts. I surrounded myself with them to give a little extra time buffer when people attack. I also farm them regularly, which is much quicker and less dangerous than leaving troops on a resource for hours. One issues is that smaller cities tend to teleport away if you don't log into them regularly. So you will need to solve this riddle of what is enough. I have sh5-14 that have stayed put for a long while.
6. Benefits Of Multiple Accounts
The many benefits of multiple accounts.
1) free speedups, if you can run them simultaneously.
2) free dispensable troops and reinforcements. At sh21 I can hold 1mil troops. With my sh14's, I can easily make 80,000 marches (max.). So, 80k x 13 cities armies = 1,040,000 troops, all t2
6. Supply Multiple Accounts
Building up multiple accounts takes a lot of time. I did it because I thought it would be funny to have a-z accounts around me. And, it was. Supplying these accounts can be pretty costly, especially in rss. I would join my free to join alliance, and send supplies on over from the bank. I also developed them a bit, and then left them for a long time. I'd login into them whenever there was free gold or speedups. Eventually, I can boost them to sh14 quite easily and win all events. patience it key. Even if the teleport to the 4 corners, they can still collect the chests when you log in. Once you develop them out, you can have little sh14 with instant armies to do your bidding.
7. Find An Abandoned (non-alliance) Cluster
Hospitals or barracks? For my main accounts I went with all hospitals. This is nice, since I can build up to the hospital limit and not worry about losing troops attacked in my cities. However, with this sh14 farms I am making, I am playing with the idea of making all barracks. I tend to log into the every now and again when there is a treasure chest. So, if they have long build times for troops, who really cares. I might just sprinkle them about, to see what damage I can cause, muhaha. And if I loose them, well, I lose them. Food will be the biggest issue, but I can just pull that from the bank or attack my non-alliance neighbors.

8. Find An Abandoned (non-alliance) Cluster
Another great way to harvest resources is to find an abandon cluster of cities. Look for lvl 21 cities. Alliances move all the time, and abandon cities of players that have quit. I found a great mass of cities. The downside is, you will have visitors from people looking to farm these non-alliance cities. So, I pop a 1 day shield and harvest each time it ends. Then shield up again. This makes it less appealing for others to come and harvest here.
If you can get into a great alliance, go ahead and stay there. The gifts are nice. But I like to join the alliances that free to join and accept you instantly. I then hop from one to another daily, collecting loyalty points. Which is pretty funny when I think about it. Anyway, I can quickly fill up my Daily Funds and loyalty points and thus have more money to spend in the store. Again, this is only good for ronin like me =) But, a handy cheat. I buy a ton of 1 hr speedups to move things along. This is also useful if your alliance doesn't have a alliance city yet. Alliance hope and get the present and do a quest or two =), then hop back to your preferred alliance.

10. Big Players Will Attack You - Get Over It

It is the game of war.. so be prepared to get attacked... a lot... and unprovoked. Sometimes they are just farming for rss, sometimes they are lashing out in the game because their real lives suck, lol. Whatever the cause, it will happened and you cant always shield. Its a game, get over it. And pity the large account owners, as they have both spent a lot of time and money to wield their artificial penises just such.

11. Diplomacy
To lessen these attacks, you can try some diplomacy. Talk to the big cities and alliances around you. Let them know you are active and encourage peace with them. Most people are pretty nice and will leave you alone and even help you out with gifts and support. If they decide to attack at a later date, they aren't attacking a stranger. Open up communication with them and let them know its not appreciated. They may even offer you compensation for their actions. Try to stay pleasant, although its not always easy, and remember it is a game of war.
12. Look for Research Bonuses You want to constantly research, but ideally hold your speedups for research events. Getting 5 times your research is nice and can win big prizes during events.
13. If You Buy a Pack, Get Research Gear.
Sometimes, especially the starter packs will come with purple or higher gear. Wait for a research gear pack. Research is the name of the game, with construction coming a close second, and then of course fighting gear, monster gear, and so on. Yes, this isn't really an advanced tip, but it just came to mind =P
14. Hero Experience
Level those heros as fast as you can. A heros level will affect the outcome of a battle and will also help them escape sooner, if captured. It will also dictate what gear can make and wear. Winning events will help with this (See 1. Barrack Rebuild Trick). One nice tip is to save all your empire quests and quest chances until lvl 49, then use a 25% 24 hour hero XP boost to make a killing in experience. The 25% bonus does not apply to the hero experience items, as it says this on the 25% hero xp bonus item. So, cash those experience items in as you get them. They recently raised the hero experience lvl limit to 60, so get cracking.
15. Hide Your Troops In Your Shielded City, But Don't Forget Your Hero.
This one I've done 2 or 3 times... that is forgot... I forgot that a hero can not reinforce a city... Doh! You can reinforce a shield city with your troops during an event and protect them from battle. There is a limited number, depending on the cities embassy level. They can stay there until the shield drops. Once a new shield is applied, they will all be sent home, but can be reinserted once the shield is back up. So here is the game MZ wants to play. If you want to hide your troops and hero, you need to setup a fake rally. But guess what. The max time on a rally is 8 hr. So that means every eight hours you need to log back into the game. One trick that I have used successfully is hiding my hero and a troop in a tent. Many cities will use tents to buffer attacks on their cities. I just find one, and camp there, since my camp looks like their camp. Its not full proof, but better than sitting out in the world all by your lonesome. It is also an indefinite hold, so you don't have to check I every 8 hours to re-rally. So, its an option.
16. Transfer Those RSS to the Bank Reguarly

Game Of War Fire Age Tips Cheats Xbox 360

Dont forget to regularly transfer your rss to your bank. This prevents loss and can also deter attacks, if they care to scout you before attacking that is. It is also a great idea to do before you go out to cause mischief!

17. Food

Game Of War Real Tips

Whenever your hero levels up, he or she gains skill points that should be spent in the hero’s skill tree. Focus on troop attack at first, then go for research and Food Production. Troop training should come next, followed by all the attack skills. I recommend ignoring the production boosts since you will get enough resources anyway and your hero must be ready to destroy your enemies!
18. Alliance City Quests
There are a lot of options for quests in the Alliance City Hall of Quests, and most people will scroll down and find the highest colored quest and accept it. This is not a bad strategy, but if the quests colors are all equal, for example, green... take the time to open the available quests and compare rewards. Often times the rewards are just resources and gift points, But, occasionally, they are resources, gift points, and a higher level item. I almost always select the ones with the item, unless I am really in desperate need of the resources. Shhhh.... don't share this tip with your alliance, they are your competition in the instance =)

18. Alliance City Quests
If you haven't been on for a while, clear all your closed gifts... the new gifts are at the bottom. To quickly refresh the gifts, hit clear all, leave the screen and come back. Clear until you see new gifts =) I do this every time I alliance hop.

Game Of War Fire Age Tips

19. Emulators - Play on your PC and maybe Mac? =)
It's nice to have mobile gamming. But lets face it, the notifications for game of war are entirely too loud and get quite annoying. I own the best smartphone available, not 5 at the time of this writing, and it cannot load in fast enough to prevent an attack. Sure I can do some more building, research, troops on the go, but in general, I don't want to be bothered until I am ready to play the game, like when I am in line or something, lol. So in general, I turn off all notifications. My active game time, is when I am working, watching a movie or doing something around the house. To do this, I have multiple screens, for one, second I use emulators to play Game of war on my PC. I have a decent i7 pc, with lots of memory, so I imaging that doesn't hurt. Your mileage may vary. But, it doesn't seem to take up too much resource, anywhooo. I use bluestack App player and Andy. They both have their issues, but give me a nice playing experience.
Bluestack Issues and zoom controls
-I cant always click helps. when I do, it shows no helps available.
-I get a lot of errors when I do things, but they are click through notices, and the game continues fine.
-Sometimes, it quits you out of the game. You just simply restart.
-The dungeon does not load. No big loss.
-To zoom out, I click on water, then hit control minus a lot. It eventually zooms out. This is a great trick in and of itself.
Andy Issues and zoom controls
-Andy is by far the better of the two
-to zoom out, hold the control key and mouse. You will see two circles, like touch points. While holding control, push the left mouse button and pinch them together or outward to zoom in and out.
-when I type in chat, I cant see what I am typing. Probably the worst bug. I
Andy Benefits
-Playing on a large computer screen
Initially when you start the game, you can navigate the map with up and down arrow keys. This is a huge advantage when seeking gold mines. I can zoom up the map and use my curse to move sideways, then zoom back down, covering a ton of territory quickly. I say initially when you start the game, because at least on my computer, the arrow keys eventually stop working, until you restart the game (which is quick and relatively painless), then you are back in action.
For mac, try iPadian.
I haven't tried it, but that would be the one I would start with. If that doesn't work, just search for ipad emulator (for mac or windows).
I'll add more as I think of them. Check back regularly.
Do you have thought son my tips or another tip to add to the list, Please feel free to comment.
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