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Get the latest Insaniquarium cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
º º º º Additional in-game cheats: º º º º Type the following at any tank screen: º º - º º Code Effect º º - º º zombie all fish 'look' dead º º space background is now 'space' º º void background is now a blank white screen º º welovebetatesters changes Breeder fish's birth noise º º supermegaultra changes. Retro game cheats for Insaniquarium Deluxe (PC). Freeola has over 100,000 cheat codes for 12,348 games.
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Insaniquarium.
Beat Up Your Fish (For Ca$h)
This works even better in Virtual Tank, because you can control your fish's movements by right-clicking on the tank, but works in any mode. Get 40,000 shells to buy the last pet, the penguin. Line him up with a fish that can drop money, then click on him. He will 'beat up' the fish, and make him drop a little more money. Also found up if your fish is playing music, line him up with the penguin and smack him silent. Works great with Santa Fish.
Get Shells Fast
First you have to pass background 3. Then go to time trial and get the dolphin,the mermaid, and you can chose the last one. Buy two guppycrunchers, and twobettlemunchers. Collect about twenty-thousand money, and you will earnone-thousand shells, Repeat.
Buy Low Sell High
In the virtual tank, buy some guppies (it onlyworks with them). Feed them 3 times each. Tocheat, change your PC date to tomorrow byright-clicking on the time in the toolbar on thebottom of your screen. Feed your guppies 3 timesand repeat. Make sure you feed them 3 times a'day'. They will grow 2 times. Once they'regold-layers, sell them, they will be sold for morethan you bought them for. It works good withexpensive guppies.
Pause Game
Turn On Sandbox Mode
After you've earned a silver trophy, enter at the main screen and use the arrowkeys to enter the following directions: up, up, down, down, left, right, left,right, b, a.
Santa Fish
In the virtual tank buy a regular fish and nameit Santa. It will play music and drop sacks ofmoney.
Make The Background In Outer Space
![Insaniquarium Insaniquarium](http://igryplus.ru/files/images/for-child/alxemy02.jpg)
Go to the Insaniquarium game files (most likely in system/program data. )Click on userdata, then click on any user (ex. User1, 2, 3etc. ) Open in Notepad and copy everything in there then copy. After that, delete everything in there the paste everything back in. Save and exit. Open Insaniquarium and there you have it unlimited shells and last adventure tank. Remember to make backups of the file before making any changes.
More Codes
Change Breeder Fish's Birth Noise: type: welovebetatesters
Change Preggo's Birth Noise: type: supermegaultra
Display Time: type: time
Tank Background Waves: type: wave
Make Your Fish Look Dead
Type void while playing.
Show How Much Time You Spent Playing
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We have no guides or FAQs for Insaniquarium yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.