R Return of the king 1. Controls- square always parrys, wich is extremely important if you plan to make it through this game. If you ever get cornored by way too many enemies, always parry your. PC: Nov 3, 2003: PS2: Nov 4, 2003. The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King cheats, Passwords, Tips, and Codes for GC. To use most cheats you have to beat the game anyway.
Black Gate
heads. As they approach, you will have to fight many Orcs and protect your friends. Their health bar will be at the top of the screen. When it gets low, go to them and help them kill the Orcs. When you stand next to your friend, he will glow
and get health. Make sure you stay next to him to get his health up. After three big Orcs are destroyed, the Orcs will attack ou from three different directions. Keep helping your friends and killing Orcs. Once you have killed all six fat Orcs, you will reach a checkpoint. Three Nazgul will appear. Kill them by shooting your ranged weapon (arrows or axes). Once all three of them are killed, the level will end.
Black Gate: Defeating the Nazgul
Return Of The King Game Cheats Pc Free
Get your character's strongest arrows or axes and fire them at the Ringwraiths. It will require nine arrows or axes.Use Aragorn's upgrade to light the Nazgul on fire. It kills them quickly. Throw a flaming spear at one, and they will charge at you. By doing this, you only have to fight one at a time.
Cheat mode
Effect - Code

Restore health - 7755
Perfect mode - 5964
Always devastating - 6869
All upgrades - 8967
Unlimited missiles - 7795
Invincibility - 7578
Targeting mode - 9587
Cirith Ungol: Easy kills
When you are fighting the hordes of Uruk-Hai at the bottom of the staircase leading to the Boss, look for the vats of lava. Use your invisibility move to sneak up on it. When you think the Uruks are close, press [Action] to spill the vats, killing all the Uruks. If there are any that remain standing, use the flame-tipped pikes.
This level does not have any checkpoints, but has many Orcs. Take Sam through the level and destroy eighty Orcs. After killing them, you will have to fight a fat Orc. Use fierce attacks to kill him, then hit the catapult to kill off the Orcs.
Remember to look for buckets of fire to knock down to kill the Orcs. Also, when you reach bridges that you must pull down, put them down when Orcs are underneath to kill them.
Crack Of Doom: Defeating Gollum
Go to the edge near the top of the screen and repeatedly parry as Gollum attacks until he steps back, goes into in an upright position, and shakes his head at the sky. When he does this, stop parrying and move out of the way. He will jump to where you were on the edge. Repeatedly do a speed attack until he starts flailing. Then, do a fierce attack and when he is hanging on the edge, stab him with the killing move. Repeatedly do this until he dies.
Defeating the Mountain King
Entering Perfect mode
you to Perfect mode. You can now quickly take out all nearby enemies while racking up the Perfects. This is very useful in Pelennor Fields.
An easy way to get to Perfect mode is to use Orc Bane, Bane Of Saruman, or Warrior Bane.
To get perfect mode, use Orc Hewer many times. You will soon enter Perfect mode.
Escape from Osgiliath
attacks. Once his shield is broken, the battle will go much faster. Open the gate to your escape.
Escape From Osgiliath: Avoiding Nazgul
Escape From Osgiliath: Bypass big Orc
Hidden trailer
Legolas: Shoot two arrows at once
Link moves
Multi-player mode: Double kill
Palantir of Saruman level
Palantir of Sauron level
Paths of the Dead
will move slowly. Be aware of enemies in the blue fog. The last battle is on a long bridge on which you will have to kill 35 opponents. After completing the last battle the level will end and you will unlock The King Of The Dead level.
After you defeat the King of the Dead, you have to run back through the level as the whole place comes down on your head. When you get to the white mists that really slow you down, try facing the opposite direction and jump backwards. This lets you get through the mist faster.
Return Of The King Game Cheats Pc Game
After you defeat the King Of The Dead and must run through the mist, most characters will die when the second groups of rocks fall. To get past this, enable the 'Play as Faramir' code. He is faster than the other three characters. Note: Donot stop running.
Paths Of The Dead: Defeating the King Of The Dead
After a while, the king will set up to use his 'Wind Of The Mountain' attack. You will start behind a rock on the very right side of the level. If you go immediately, you can make it to the other rock to the left without taking damage. When the king pauses to recharge, step out from behind the rock. Then, pour on the ranged attack. If you hurry, you can get five shots off each time. If done correctly, you can take out a quarter of his life each time he tries to set up the wind attack. If you have any skill, he will not be able to use his wind more than twice.
When fighting the King Of The Dead and he goes into his wind attacks during that time that your are positioned behind a rock, between attacks, jump out, then fire your range attack repeatedly. Make sure you get behind the rock again before the wind starts. This is most effective when playing as Legolas, as he can fire faster than Gimli or Aragorn. This will prevent you from fighting the dead champions (the dead soldiers with the green bar above their head) later, which saves time and life.
When the King Of The Dead sends out his little minions, run all the way back to where the cliff is located. Once his men appear, they will not see you. Take out your bow and shoot one. He will start to run towards you. Fight him, then repeat.
Note: A similar strategy also works at Shelob's Lair.
Pelennor Fields
is destroyed, go to the end of the hill where the Nazgul is located. Shoot your ranged weapons at it until it goes away. Another Oliphaunt will appear, and you must destroy it. Make sure you are on the right side where the Oliphaunt is. Keep
repeating this process until the Nazgul is destroyed to end the level.
When at Pelennor Fields, there will be approximately four Oliphaunts (after the sixty Orcs are killed). The first one will come on the side that you are already on. The next one is on the other side. Go down the path provided to the other side. Note: Do not kill any Orcs or warriors. Once you get to the other side, destroy that Oliphaunt. The next one is also on that side. You will know that you are at the correct location if when the Oliphaunt enters, it fires arrows. It will not do this if you are on the wrong side. As for the Nazgul, it should appear two times before it starts taking damage. Fend it off the first two times on the side that you are already on. After the first time an Oliphaunt should also appear on that side. Then, for the second time, the same thing should happen. Finally, go to the other side. The Nazgul will appear vulnerable to ranged attacks. Note: It may go away on the third time; just stay on that side.
Purchasing upgrades
Quick start
Restoring health at checkpoint
Road To Isengard
continue. When you reach to group bunch of towers, destroy all of them by shooting your ranged weapon at the explosives under the towers. Once they are destroyed, you will keep going on until the end. At the end you must help destroy the wall that is blocking the water from coming out and wiping out all of Isengard. Kill any Orc that approaches by the Ent and let him break the wall. Once he does this, you will have finished the level.
Road To Isengard: Killing Orcs
Return Of The King Game Cheats Pc Download
When you get to the part where you have to kill 65 Orcs, there is a small crack that you can hide in while the three Ents kill all the Orcs. There are some that will stop at the opening where the Orcs appear. You can just kill with your rangedattacks.
Shelob's Lair: Defeating Orcs
Shelob's Lair: Defeating Shelob
Shelob's Lair: Easy experience
Shelob's Lair: Easy Perfect mode
Southern Gate
to create a bridge for you. Once you shoot them, go across the bridge to the ladder leading you up towards the top of the gate. A Troll is waiting for you there. Kill him, then an elephant will appear. Kill it by shooting at the top part of it. You
will know that you have destroyed it when it explodes. Open the gate after the elephant. Orcs will block you from getting out. Destroy them by dumping the coal over their heads. Go back down once they are destroyed and get out of there
before more Orcs arrives. The level ends when you go through the gate.
Southern Gate: Defeating Trolls
Southern Gate: Easy experience
Lotr Return Of The King Game Cheats Pc
Complete all the tasks until you have the gate open. Do not go through the gate. Just fight all the creatures you can as they keep respawning. Try to use combos to get into Perfect mode then most of the enemies are worth 300 experience points. When you cannot fight anymore, leave. Some small creatures give out red health potions, allowing you to fight for a long period of time.As soon as you step on the drawbridge, you are ambushed by Orcs and a Troll. Quickly run from the Troll and shoot the catapults. Once this is done, do not go up on top of the gate. Kill all the surrounding Orcs. Travel down as far as you can from the catapults (not towards the gate). Once you have gone as far as you can, turn and run left. When you cannot go left anymore, there should be an area where Orcs are appearing. Keep killing them with arrows before they reach you, and they will eventually stop. Then travel to the right until you see another area where they are appear from. Destroy them all here until they stop. Then, travel to the right some more and do the same thing. In all, there should be four different Orc spawning locations. When they stop coming from all of these, they will no longer appear.
If you have already completed the game, you can go to the Southern Gate level with a character that has a low level (for example, Merry). When you are fighting the Orcs, stay there and keep fighting them as much as needed. When your health gets low, use the 'Health' command and restore it.
At the end of the level after you have opened the gate, do not use the pots to kill the extra Orcs. Instead, go down and fight them by hand. By doing this you will gain about 2,000 more experience points.
Let the Troll jump off. Throw a spear at it. Hopefully you will have every Bane. If you do, keep using them and you will rank up the Perfects. It takes about ten minutes for the Orcs to die down. Once all of them are dead, fire all catapults.
Then, go up to where the Troll is located. Use a Bane, then quickly kill the Troll while still in Perfect mode. Use the same approach with the Mumakil. Pull open the gate. Then, use another Bane, and pour the vats of oil over onto the Orcs. Run through the gate. You should gain about three levels if you are at a high level.
Southern Gate: Endless enemies
Successfully complete the game
Unlock Faramir Early
Unlock Four-Hit Combo For Aragorn
Walls Of Minas Tirith: Courtyard
appear during the end of the level. To kill them, press Z to get a spear and throw it at them. They will die automatically. Once two hundred people are saved, the level will end.
Walls Of Minas Tirith: Siege towers
When you have destroyed the third siege tower, go to the fourth one and kill all the Orcs that are in there until you cannot see any more. Then, shoot down the siege tower with your arrows. Once that is done, go to the men that are guarding the stairs. Walk down there to complete the level.
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