Syphon Filter for PlayStation cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need. Syphon Filter Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX) Strategy Guide Mission select Pause the game, choose the 'Options' selection, highlight the 'Select mission' option, then hold Left + R1 + L1 + Select + Square + X (simultaneously). For the PAL version of the game, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Square + Circle + X.
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Cheat codes for Syphon Filter
This code will access all of the levels in the entire game. All you have to do is pause the game and highlight the map option. Once this is done press Right, R1, L2, X at the same time. If it is done right you should hear a laugh.Unlimited Weapons and Ammo'sPause the game, highlight weapons at the same time hold down: L-2 + R-2 + right + square + circle + x this code must be entered at every level after a major briefing.Weak EnemiesPause the game then press and hold, Right, R1, L2, X and if you entered it properly you would hear a person laugh.Hard game modeAt the title screen press and hold, Left, L1, R2, SELECT, square, circle, X.Unlimited AmmoTo get unlimited ammo press start and go to weapon then press and hold these buttons Right, L2, R2, circle, square, X, keep trying it because it might not work the first time.Movie TheaterGo into the building where Kravitch is located in the first level (Georgia Street). After killing the first enemy in that building before Kravitch, climb into the room that he is in. Go out the window and to the area where there are CBDC Gaurds on the buildings and enemies behind two blown up police cars. Walk over to the movie theater entrance (Note: You cannot enter it, yet.). Pause your game and highlight the Map option. Press and hold L2+R1+X.Level selectFirst pause the game and go in the options menu go to select mission and reaptively if it doesn't work the first time press and hold Left, L1, R1, select, Square, and X.Super 9mm AmmoPause the game, highlight the 'silenced 9mm' under the weapons options then hold 'Left + L1+ R2 + Select + Square + X' push these at the same time and you will hear Gabe say 'UNDERSTOOD'.Back UpFor back-up in Georgia Street simply press pause in the game and press and hold triangle, up, down and square. If done correctly you should hear a 'move, move, move'.Survive BurningTo survive burning press start rapidly after catching on fire.All Weapons Unlimited Ammo For That LevelPause the game and go to the opitions menu and hold|: right + L1 + R2 + Circle + Square + X.NOTE: You must do this in order and the weapons are only for that level. InvincibilityPause gameplay and select the 'Select Mission' option. Now press Left, L1, R1, R2, Triangle, Square.One hit killsPause gameplay and select the 'Objectives' option. Now press Right, L1, R1, R2, Circle, X.
Get the latest Syphon Filter cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation (PSX). has all you need to win every game you play! Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation cheats we have available for Syphon Filter. To Survive The BurningAfter catching on fire, quickly press start then press start again. Note: Youwill be a little hurt but still alive. Get Characters From Syphon Filter 1Finish the C-130 wreck site and unlock characters from the original Syhon Filter. Sniper Rifle On First LevelOn the first level you can control where you land with your parashoot (or however you spell it) now control yourself in the direction of the 3 men and the flares try and land yourself on top or so your hanging off of the cliff right above them and there it is in the ammo box. Two For One DealWhen there are 2 guards patrolling and you can't be caught, wait for the gaurds to stand side by side where you can only see one of them. Take out the sniper rifle and shoot the first one in the obvious place (the head)and it will go through his head and into the other gaurd's head, and you only had to waste one bullet! And on top of that you didnt waste time or get caught. All Multiplayer CharactersIn the new york sewer level you get to the checkpoint where you shoot the 4 guys with m-79s. You go up the stairs and shoot the agents. Then when you see a door keep going up the stairs. Shoot the rest of the guys with your m-79. When you reach the top of the stairs there will be a case. Open it. It is a m-79. Gabe will say got it. Finish the level and you have all characters. Colarado Rockies/Mounties In MultiplayerTo select the Colarado Rockies as a selectable level in multiplayer make it to where Chance is. Then get the H-11 by the waterfall. 'Save and Quit' your game at the Options mode and save it to your memory pack. Then quit and you will have the Colarado Rockies level or whatever the first level is called. Air Taser In Level 1When you go to the highest point on level one and get the tansponder to work. When you are on your way back look to your left and and go to the edge and crawl down to hang on to the cliff (press walk when going to the cliff to crawl down and hang) move left and you will find a box which has the air taser. Pharcom Lab Multiplayer ArenaIn the expo center level, shortly after passing through the mars exibit, you will come across two gaurds looking at a dirty magazine. Wait a second and kill the guards. When they are both dead collect the dirty magazine to unlock the Pharcom Lab multiplayer arena. Defeating RhoemerThe only way to defeat Rhoemer (the final boss) is with Gas grenades, which canbe found in the upper right room of the last level. Museum GatesFind the card keys to get through the gates in the museum. Check all the guardsand people that are killed; they usually carry card keys. For the gate in theRocket Room, shoot the control panel on the third level that keeps sparking whileyour character is standing on the elevator to reach to that level. The man withthe card key is up there. Getting Through The SubwayGo to the opposite end of the subway after it explodes. Use the flashlight on theleft of the tracks to find the C-4. Get the C-4, then go to the right hand side.Look up to see the upper level. Press Triangle to climb onto the red crate. PressTriangle to keep climbing up through the debris until the top is reached. This isthe only way to exit the lower level. Grenade Launcher In Level 1Go out the window in the bar into the back alley. Look up to see two fireescapes. Climb onto the dumpster and get onto the fire escape opposite the barfirst, then jump up to the pipes and go hand over hand to the other fire escape.Be careful, because two terrorists will run out to shoot half way across thepipe. After taking care of them, drop down onto the fire escape and open the boxfor the grenade launcher. This makes the grenade thrower in the subway sectionmuch easier to handle. X-ray VisionThe virus scanner may be used to look through the walls to find enemies. Survive BurningAfter catching on fire, quickly press Start, then press Start again. You will behurt, but still alive. Getting Through The SubwayGo to the opposite end of the subway after it explodes. Use the flashlight on theleft of the tracks to find the C-4. Get the C-4, then go to the right side lookup to see the upper level. Press Triangle to climb onto the red crate. PressTriangle to keep climbing up through the debris until you reach the top. Note:This is the only way to exit the lower level. Killing CBDC1. Make CBDC go against you. Go to a dead agent and give him a shot in the head 5 times. All agents will fire at you but you can not fire back.2.Another way is to shot a CBDC in the stomach one time with the 9mm. Then shot him in the back of the head with the shotgun. They will turn against you, but you CAN kill them. This hint willnot always work. How To Beat Rhoemer!!To defeat Rhoemer you must use the gas grenade!! (HINT)The easiest way is to stand on something and throw the gas grenade. One Shot SkillPause the game and go to the weapons menu. Highlight the silenced 9mm and press AND HOLD left, R2,select,L1,square,and X. Level SelectFirst pause the game and go to the Options menu, then highlight select mission. 'Now this is where it gets funky',press AND HOLD L1, R1, select, left, square, and X. You might need help with holding some buttons. All Weapons And Infinite AmmoPause the game and highlight weaponry. Press andhold right, R2, L2, circle, square, X. If you enteredthe code correctly then your weapon list shouldupdate it's self. You have to reenter the code atthe tart of every level. View FMV SequencesLocate the area in level 1 where your character goes through a window to get toan elevator. Go straight and jump over the boxes. There are pictures on the wallthat resemble doors. Approach the middle picture where the Flak Jacket islocated. Then, pause the game and enable the 'Weak enemies' code. The game willresume in a movie theatre. Walk into the entrances to the theatre (the curtains)to watch the FMV sequences. Press X to advance to the next FMV sequence or pressStart to exit. For the PAL version of the game, hold L2 + R2 + Select + Square +X. Weak EnemiesPause the game, highlight the 'Map' option, then hold Right + L2 + R1 + X(simultaneously). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a laugh. Forthe PAL version of the game, hold Right + L1 + R1 + R2 + Circle + X. Expert ModeAt the title screen, hold Left + L1 + R2 + Select + Square + Circle + X(simultaneously). If you entered the code correctly, the phrase 'Damn it' will bespoken. For the PAL version of the game, hold L1 + L2 + R2 + Square + Circle + X. Super Ammunition For The Silenced 9mm (North American Version)Pause the game, highlight the 'Silenced 9mm' under the 'Weapons' option, thenhold Left + L1 + R2 + Select + Square + X (simultaneously). If you entered thecode correctly, Gabe will say 'Understood'. We have no unlockables for Syphon Filter yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them. We have no easter eggs for Syphon Filter yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them. Syphon Filter Ps3We have no glitches for Syphon Filter yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them. |