The anniversary video game Titan Quest Anniversary Edition from 2016 celebrates not only the 10th anniversary of the classic Titan Quest, but it also integrates the sequel Titan Quest - Immortal Throne and forms both games into one exceptional adventure! Of course the developers added many new exciting features for this ultimate action role-playing experience.
FAQs & Walkthroughs
Titan quest: immortal throne cheats, cheat codes & hintsUnlock Codes
The following are UNLOCK CODES that can be used to gain extra items in the game. Click on UNLOCK CONTENT from the pause menu while playing and enter any of the following codes:
Code: | Result: |
274267 | Shinobi Shozoku Set |
925678 | Garb of the Great Merchant Set |
437626 | Armament of Germania Set |
373624 | Armament of Gaul Set |

A Quick Guide To Creating The Ultimate Character:
Step 1: Start a new character on Titan Quest Immortal throne CUSTOM quest.
Step 2: Make sure you have version 1.1 or else this will probably not work. The patches can be found all over the web.
Step 3: Download soulseekers defiler patch for version 1.1. This can be found by googling 'soulseekers defiler' on the internet.
Step 4: Once you have successfully downloaded and opened the defiler, there should be a list on the left that says all your character names for TQ and TQIT.
Step 5: Select your new character that you just made from that list. After the character gets loaded, click on the character tab which is in the middle of the defiler.
Step 6: Under the basic tab after you opened your character, there should be a red square next to name, level, experience and gold. Click on each of their red squares one at a time. (name you don't have to, it just changes your character name). each time you click on one a grey box will appear. In the white rectangle that appears once you click on level, type in 75 and 'ok'. This will immediately level you up to 75. the next box is experience, type in 2,147, 483, 647. That is the greatest amount of experience. Under gold, type in 2, 147, 483, 647. that will give you nearly unlimited gold. There is the beginning of your seriously awesome character.
Step 7: Click on the stats tab next, click on each red square at a time. This is your health, mana, str, dex, and intelligence levels. Set each one to 100,000,000. This will make it so your guy is super strong. If you want you can make your available stat points your choice too.
Step 8: The next tab is masteries, here you can change your masteries at any time by clicking reset.
Titan Quest Cheats Xbox
Step 9: The skills tab I wouldn't worry about. The next tab is Diff/WPs. That controls all the portals. On each tab select Check all then save WP data. This makes it seem like you touched all the portals.
Step 10: The next 2 tabs don't worry about, Rebirth and Items/inv. The last misc tab, you can change the number of deaths to zero and the number of kills to 2,147,483,647. Nothing else on that page can be modified.
Step 11: if you want to, select the 'mods by' tab at the very top and select the mods you want.(they are all pretty self explanatory.)
Step 12: So now your guy is totally ripped but where is his gear? First go to google and type in 'titan quest immortal throne map itemus' the second link on the page click on it. Once the screen comes up download Itemus v. 1.1 ~items map. Once the download is done, unzip the files by right clicking on the icon and extract files. Extract them to my documents/games/Titan Quest Immortal Throne/custom maps. Then your ready to play. Go to immortal throne and start playing the game.
Step 13: go to custom quest and then single player with your new lvl 75 character. Select itemus from the list and play. This map has every item in the entire game so pick up what you really want, you can always come back later. shut down TQIT when your done.
Titan Quest Pc Game Cheats Raising Cows And Building Army
Step 14: open the defiler again and open up your character again. Scroll over the character tab at the top and select copy to main quest. Say yes to all the things that pop up and bam! You have an awesome character that you can show off to everybody on multiplayer.
Titan Quest Pc Game Cheats Stronghold
Note: Because your attacks are so strong, if they are reflected by Athena's Mirror Shield or some other reflecting object, you will die.
(supplied by: Tasser)