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The European version of the game, at least, has the most expansive and comprehensive surviving debug menu of any Fire Emblem game, and that's before you take its separate model viewer into account. Sadly, the final release seems to have broken some of its features, but there's still plenty to mess around with. 29.Go Pharmacy shop at 14:00 and Chat with Kelly (make sure you have at least 45score with her). Accept her offer to drink coffee. Ask about anal she will give you -10 score but dont worry about that.
This is a sub-page of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
Path of Radiance has the most expansive and comprehensive surviving debug menu of any Fire Emblem game, and that's before you take its separate model viewer into account. Sadly, the final releases seem to have broken some of its features, but there's still plenty to mess around with. The menu is mostly translated, save for a handful of options. Certain menu listings exist only in the Japanese version, or were altered in localization; such listings are annotated in red.
As with regular menus, the Y Button can be pressed while navigating the debug menu to call help pop-ups, but in all cases it only gives a dummy help message, ヘルプデフォルト情報 ('Help default information').
Enter the appropriate Action Replay code for your version, then press B and Z while in a chapter to open the debug menu:
Version | Encrypted | Decrypted |
JPN | VCV7-ZUA3-HCZ8G WEJA-NX7J-6NGCF WF22-7U31-8Y5E9 0YRX-4KMK-XJAXG 5NWX-F12K-ZKY3K | 022E6B24 28000000 2A2ED508 00000200 04071744 386D85DC 3A2ED508 00000200 04071744 386D89E8 |
USA | HQVV-B91N-ZWFEV 1W6Q-EFTA-C9DK6 5XA3-PTFJ-7VZRC QB2H-ZMPQ-KGFH6 Q5ZP-FYAZ-YJN88 | 06E8269A 08000000 2A2EF408 00000200 04072924 386D85DC 3A2EF408 00000200 04072924 386D89E8 |
Europe | PZJF-Q830-TH77M 1AXK-FRAT-3XVTH QXZY-JR20-2N017 8137-HQYP-TT4FU RRJT-QKB5-G6NP9 | 08021961 18000000 2A2F98E8 00000200 0407353C 386D8604 3A2F98E8 00000200 0407353C 386D8A10 |
Bear in mind that the debug menu does not play all that nicely with the regular Z Button map menu: if you open the map menu at any point in a chapter before opening the debug menu, the debug menu will not open, and vice versa.
- 1Game
- 1.1Unit
- 2Event
- 4Visualize
- Unit: When the cursor is on a unit, it brings up a sub-menu to edit them. Otherwise, it is grayed out and unselectable.
- Game settings: Brings up a sub-menu to tweak various game settings.
- TrickyTerrain: Unknown use, does not seem to do anything.
- 屋根を開けて (Open Roof): When the cursor is on a visitable building, it plays the door closing animation. Otherwise, it's grayed out and unselectable, and the command says '屋根はありません' (There is no roof) instead. Judging by the command's name it should also open up rooms with closed roofs, but the only roofs it actually affects are the ones in the test map; all roofs in the main game don't respond to the command at all.
- Building: When the cursor is on certain objects on the map, it lists the object's file name and brings up a sub-menu to alter it. Otherwise, it is grayed out and unselectable.
- Convoy: Does not seem to do anything when selected, but the listing does count how many items are currently in the player's convoy in parentheses. If the convoy is empty, the option is grayed out.
- Unit List: Unknown use, does not seem to do anything.
- Bond: Unknown use, does not seem to do anything.
- Log: Unknown use, does not seem to do anything.
- Clear Map: Immediately ends the map and skips all cutscenes, dumping you at the save prompt.
- General Doping: Instantly increases all of the unit's stats, except for current HP and constitution, to their maximums.
- Parameters: Brings up a sub-menu to modify the unit's stats individually. Unusual listings here include:
- Beast: Adjusts the current state of the unit's transform gauge. Obviously, this only does stuff for laguz units. If the gauge is filled or emptied, the unit won't respond accordingly until their next turn.
- Hate: A... strange value that doesn't seem to do anything anymore. It's set at 0 and cannot be modified.
- BtlCnt: A value that affects the unit's biorhythm. Every time the unit engages in combat, it is increased by 1. The biorhythm state is advanced every ten BtlCnt points.
- Bio: The unit's current biorhythm state expressed numerically. The value cannot be modified itself, although adjusting BtlCnt affects it.
- Conditions: Brings up a sub-menu to modify status conditions and the number of turns remaining before they expire. The duration of the Ward staff/pure water, and of the torch item/staff, can also be modified here.
- Skills: Brings up a sub-menu to modify the unit's skills.
- Weapon Level: Brings up a sub-menu to modify the unit's weapon experience. Although all weapon types are always listed, only the types that a unit can actually use can have their weapon experience modified (with the unusual exception of laguz units and fire/thunder/wind magic).
- Edit Support: Brings up a sub-menu to modify the unit's support points. Only legitimately existing support pairs are listed and editable, so you can't just add supports willy-nilly; units who have no support options at all have this menu option grayed out and inaccessible.
- Items: Brings up a sub-menu to modify the unit's current items. However, this can only edit the unit's pre-existing inventory contents and cannot add items in slots where none existed before. Pressing Left and Right on the D-Pad/analog stick scrolls through every item in the game (except laguz strikes).
- 座標 (Co-ordinates): Unknown use, does not seem to do anything. Exists only in the Japanese version.
This skills editing feature is extremely comprehensive and lists not only all the regular skills, but the normally invisible ones that govern certain unit functionalities! This menu has 10 slots for skills per unit. Select an empty slot to add a skill there, and press X in a slot with a skill in it to remove that skill.
Many of the hidden and unused skills still have their names in Japanese or show as a blank in the list. Used, visible skills are listed in bold.
- 0: 主人公 (SID_HERO) - Assigned to Ike. Enables Order, Direct, and use of Ragnell and the regal sword.
- 1: 女性 (SID_FEMALE) - Assigned to female units.
- 2: 上級職 (SID_HIGHER) - Assigned to promoted units and laguz. Slows EXP gain, enables gaining S ranks, changes Ike and Volke's portrait.
- 3: 再移動 (SID_TWICE) - Assigned to mounted units and to users of the knight ring. Enables them to use up remaining movement.
- 4: 飛行系 (SID_FLY) - Assigned to flying units. Disables terrain stat boosts.
- 5: 村破壊 (SID_VILLAGEDESTROY) - Assigned to bandits. Enables village destruction.
- 6: ボス (SID_BOSS) - Assigned to all bosses. Prevents Roar and Lethality from being triggered on the unit.
- 7: ラスボス (SID_FINAL) - Assigned to Ashnard. Enables use of Gurgurant, and disables the awarding of experience points for player units who fight them.
- 8: 獣化職 (SID_ANIMALIZE) - Assigned to laguz units.
- 9: 獣化中 (SID_LYCANTHROPE) - Assigned to laguz units when transformed.
- 10: 獣固定 (SID_FIXEDBEAST) - Assigned to Feral Ones. Keeps their transform gauge full.
- 11: Paragon
- 12: Renewal
- 13: 値切り (SID_BARGAIN) - Unused.
- 14: Celerity
- 15: 大魔法 (SID_WLUPTOS) - Unused.
- 16: Resolve
- 17: 鉄壁 (SID_IMPREGNABLE) - Unused.
- 18: Tempest
- 19: Serenity
- 20: 飛行 (SID_FLYTHRU) - Unused.
- 21: 突破 (SID_WALKTHRU) - Unused.
- 22: Savior
- 23: Discipline
- 24: Canto
- 25: HPの歌 (SID_CHANTHP) - Unused.
- 26: 力の歌 (SID_CHANTSTR) - Unused.
- 27: 魔力の歌 (SID_CHANTMPOW) - Unused.
- 28: 技の歌 (SID_CHANTTECH) - Unused.
- 29: 速さの歌 (SID_CHANTQUICK) - Unused.
- 30: 幸運の歌 (SID_CHANTLUCK) - Unused.
- 31: 守備の歌 (SID_CHANTDEF) - Unused.
- 32: 魔防の歌 (SID_CHANTMDEF) - Unused.
- 33: 獣装備 (SID_EQUIPFANG) - Effect unknown. Assigned to Lethe.
- 34: Knife
- 35: Lumina
- 36: 剣装備 (SID_EQSW) - Added to promoting paladins. Enables sword usage.
- 37: 槍装備 (SID_EQLA) - Added to promoting paladins. Enables lance usage.
- 38: 斧装備 (SID_EQAX) - Added to promoting paladins. Enables axe usage.
- 39: 弓装備 (SID_EQBW) - Added to promoting paladins. Enables bow usage.
- 40: 杖装備 (SID_EQRD) - Added to promoting sages. Enables staff usage.
- 41: Vantage
- 42: Nihil
- 43: Wrath
- 44: Guard
- 45: Cancel
- 46: Miracle
- 47: Sol
- 48: Luna
- 49: Astra
- 50: Adept
- 51: Lethality
- 52: Corrosion
- 53: Deadeye
- 54: 混沌 (SID_CHAOS) - Unused.
- 55: Counter
- 56: Stun (US/EU) / Colossus (JP) (For unknown reasons, internal references relating to two skills were swapped in localization, though their functions and availability were unchanged.)
- 57: Colossus (US/EU) / Stun (JP) (For unknown reasons, internal references relating to two skills were swapped in localization, though their functions and availability were unchanged.)
- 58: Charm - Assigned to all bosses. Gives +5 hit and avoid to all allies within 3 spaces.
- 59: Daunt
- 60: Steal
- 61: Provoke
- 62: Shade
- 63: Gamble
- 64: 絶対移動 (SID_ABSMOVE) - Unused.
- 65: Parity
- 66: 一騎討ち (SID_CONFRONT) - Unused.
- 67: Vortex
- 68: Shove - Assigned to all non-mounted units. Enables use of the Shove command to push other units.
- 69: Smite
- 70: Roar
- 71: 邪眼 (SID_EVILEYE) - Unused.
- 72: Reinforce
- 73: Boon
- 74: Blessing
- 75: Blossom
- 76: Aether
- 77: イベCC (SID_EVENTCC) - Assigned to Ike, Volke and Sothe. Prevents changing class by either of the normal ways.
- 78: 召喚され (SID_SUMMONED) - Assigned to the Holy Guards summoned by Tanith's Reinforce.
- 79: シュート (SID_SHOOT) - Assigned to archers and snipers. Enables use of ballistae and longbows.
- 80: 50 Keys - Assigned to Volke. Enables unlocking of doors and chests for a fee of 50 gold each.
- 81: Insight
- 82: Vigilance
- 83: Mantle
- 84: トライA (SID_TRI_A) - Enables Elincia, Tanith and Marcia's Triangle Attack.
- 85: トライB (SID_TRI_B) - Enables Oscar, Boyd and Rolf's Triangle Attack.
- 86: 専用A (SID_EQ_A) - Assigned to Rolf. Enables use of Rolf's bow.
- 87: 専用B (SID_EQ_B) - Assigned to Elincia. Enables use of Amiti.
- 88: 専用C (SID_EQ_C) - Assigned to Giffca, Tibarn and Naesala. Enables use of the laguz band.
- 89: 死んだふり (SID_TEMP_ON_DIE) - Effect unknown. Assigned to Shinon and Gatrie, although it is removed from Shinon once he is re-recruited in Chapter 19.
- 90: Flare
- 91: 鍵無料 (SID_KEY0) - Assigned to all thieves except Volke. Enables free unlocking of doors and chests.
- 92: 不死身 (SID_IMMORTAL) - Assigned to Greil and Boyd in the prologue, Muarim in Chapter 15, and Ashnard in the endgame on higher difficulties. When defeated, the unit does not fade away from map or battle scene and remains with 1 HP; the game uses this to keep the units in question around so that subsequent event cutscenes can use them (allowing Greil and Boyd to walk away, Muarim to collapse to the ground, and Ashnard to transform into his second phase).
- 93: 専用D (SID_EQ_D) - Assigned to all soldiers, halberdiers, knights, generals, sword knights, lance knights, axe knights, bow knights, and paladins. Enables use of the knight ward.
- 94: 逆専用A (SID_EQREV_A) - Assigned to Reyson and Ashnard. Disables use of the demi band. (It is unknown why Ashnard has this, since he's not a laguz and therefore can't use the demi band anyway).
- 95: 弱点A (SID_WEAK_A) - Assigned to Ashnard and the Black Knight. Gives them the 'blessed armor' effect that negates all damage except from Ragnell and certain laguz attacks.
- 96: アヒンサー (SID_AHIMSA) - Assigned to the cutscene stand-in for the Black Knight in Chapter 24. The unit will not make any attacks when entered into a battle; they can still initiate, but still won't do anything. This is used to facilitate the ending cutscene in which, when Ike tries to attack him, he does not retaliate.
- 97: スキル名が登録されていませんC0 ('There is no registered skill name C0'; SID_CRITRISE) - Assigned to all swordmasters, berserkers and snipers. Gives them a +15 increase to their critical hit rate at all times. Exists only in the US and European versions.
Game Settings
- Enemy: Sets who controls the enemy (red) faction: プレイヤー (Player) puts it under your control, CP puts it under the computer's control (the default option), and なし (None) skips their phase entirely.
- Other: Sets who controls the other (green) faction. The options are the same as the Enemy setting.
- Partner: Sets who controls the partner (yellow) faction. The options are the same as the Enemy setting.
- Turn: Sets the current turn.
- EvtPts: Sets the current amount of bonus experience points you possess.
- Funds: Sets the current amount of gold you possess.
- Total: Displays the total worth of all gold and items you possess. Cannot be directly modified, although editing the Funds value will alter the Total value as well.
- The current chapter is listed here. This cannot be altered.
- Rank: Sets the current difficulty mode, although it does not alter the stats of enemies who are already on the field.
- Levelup: Sets the current growth mode between the default Random setting and the alternative Fixed mode.
- NumofPlaythroughs: Sets the number of complete playthroughs recorded by the save file.
When selected on compatible objects - e.g. buildings, the droppable boulders in Chapter 25 - the Building option brings up a menu to toggle them between two states:
- 最初の姿勢にする (Set to starting position): Sets building doors to open and boulders to intact.
- 最終の姿勢にする (Set to end position): Sets building doors to closed and boulders to destroyed rubble.
- Edit flags: Brings up a list of event flags that can be toggled on and off. Lists both important global flags and ones specific to the current chapter. Modified flags take effect the next time a unit completes an action.
- Registered Functions: Unknown use, does not seem to do anything.
- スクリプト・デモ (Script Demo): Selecting it causes the game to hang on a black screen. If the process tree debug option has been enabled, it says that selecting it has called a default-priority process called E_CMDEMO. Exists only in the Japanese version.
- Messages: Brings up the Messages screen (see below).

This screen is an index of every individual text entry in the game, covering everything from menu strings to dialog, sorted in alphabetical order based on the entry's internal handle (not the same order in which they're stored in the text files). Entries are presented in one of three colors, depending on their role in the game:
- White: Regular dialog. Can be selected to view that dialog scene as it would be presented in-game (although if the scene is spoken with a chapter map in progress behind it, here it's shown on a black background).
- Gray: Most commonly (but not universally) menu strings. Cannot be selected.
- Pink: Seems to be reserved for dialog text which is the root of a broader sequence with variability/player input (e.g. shop dialog, Soren's reports). Can be selected to view that dialog scene, but without playing any of the other parts of the sequence that one would see in-game.
However, some listings may crash the game when selected - these are mostly village conversations, which crash because accessing them in this way fails to specify which playable character is visiting the place, and therefore which portrait should be called to display.
The functionality of the screen underwent one change in localization, regarding what it displays by default on the menu itself before selecting anything.
- In the US and EU versions, each entry lists two properties of its contents (where applicable) after the internal handle: dialog window type (top/bottom with mini portraits, full-screen with full portraits, help window style, etc.), and which background illustration is to be displayed.
- In the Japanese version, in addition to the above two properties, each entry also prints a preview of the text contents, with all control codes and line breaks removed. For menu strings, this has the net effect of just printing the entire string as it would be presented in-game, removing the need for it to be selected at all.
The total number of text entries listed by this menu varies in each version, differing as a result of the various additions and removals in the localization processes.
- Japanese: 4738
- US: 4281
- EU English: 4284
The Twist Game 29 Cheat Menu Free
None of the options in this sub-menu seem to do anything in the game's current state. Trying to select them just backs out to the main debug menu.
- Memory Usage
- File Usage
- ARAM Usage
- IdentBase
- Connect to FIO
- Sweep Files
- FreeCells Check
- Icons: Displays the game's weapon icons sheet (Texture0 of window/icons.tpl). Use the analog stick to pan across it, and the L and R buttons to zoom out and in respectively.
- Skill icons: Displays the game's skill icons sheet (Texture1 of window/icons.tpl). Use the analog stick to pan across it, and the L and R buttons to zoom out and in respectively.
- Dialog Background: Brings up a testing screen for the backgrounds of dialog scenes (see below).
- VI Adjustment: Brings up the screen position setting from the regular Options menu.
- Movie: Brings up a menu to play the game's movie files:
- chapter.thp: The background of the chapter title cards.
- opening.thp: The opening movie.
- s01.thp: 'Memories'
- s02.thp: 'Greil's Fall'
- s03.thp: 'Gathering'
- s05.thp: 'The Forest'
- s06_M.thp: 'Fire Emblem'
- s08.thp: 'United'
Dialog Background
This screen allows the player to not only view background illustrations used for dialog scenes, but to twist and manipulate them to hell and back. In all, 200 images can be tested here, including stranger options such as chunks of the title screen and the Game Boy Advance link-up instructions.
- The D-Pad scrolls through the list of background images.
- The analog stick moves the background around.
- The C-Stick rotates the background.
- L and R zoom the background in and out.
- X toggles the display of the background image list and the controls.
- Y toggles the display of two random character portraits on top of the background. The portraits are changed every time they are toggled on.
- Z displays a chart in the top corner which tracks the position, rotation and zoom of the background image. The chart slowly fades out after the button press.
- A brings up additional options for playing with the images:
- cycletime: Unknown use. Default value is 6.00.
- backcont: Modifies the brightness of the displayed background. Default value is 255, the regular value.
- facecont: Modifies the brightness of the displayed portraits. Default value is 255, the regular value.
- effect: Unknown use. Default value is 0.
Note that none of the image manipulation options affect the portraits, if they are turned on.
Toggles various displays on the screen, including both debugging functions and regular display options.
The Twist Game 29 Cheat Menu Download
- Process tree: Displays a chart along the left side of the screen which tracks all system processes in action in real time.
- Performance: Displays a chart in the bottom-left corner which tracks CPU performance in real time.
- Prim2D: Displays a chart on the bottom of the screen which tracks.... something.
- GP Performance: Displays a chart in the top-right corner of the screen which supposedly tracks graphics processing tasks but no longer seems to respond to anything.
- Debug info. (game): Unknown use, does not seem to display anything.
- 安全フレーム (Safety Frame): Displays a white frame marking the safe areas for television display.
- Sound test: Displays a graph on along the right edge of the screen which maps all sound effects and BGM tracks being played at any given time.
- Battle off: Completely disables all combat animations and automatically skips to the end of attacks. Does not affect staves or shoving.
- Guide window: Toggles the controller help display in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- ゲームカメラ (Game Camera): Toggles the camera between two modes:
- Game Camera mode: is how the camera normally behaves.
- Debug Camera mode (デバッグカメラ): allows the player to manipulate the camera without any real limits. L zooms the camera in, R zooms the camera out, and the C-Stick rotates the camera.
- スキップ禁止区間可視化 (Skip Display of Prohibited Segments): Unknown use, does not seem to display anything.
- Debug console: Unknown use, does not seem to display anything. Unlike the other debug displays in this sub-menu, this is toggled on by default.
This option brings up a screen dedicated to sound options. Like the game's regular Sound Room, it displays cutscene illustrations in the background and slowly rotates through them. Opening this menu also enables the 'Sound test' debug chart from the Display menu.
The Twist Game 29 Cheat Menu Online
- BGM: Brings up a list of all background music tracks, listed by file name rather than song title, which can be selected to play. Multiple tracks can even be played at once! Interestingly, this list contains references to tracks that don't exist at all in the final game, but all such tracks are grayed out on the list and play nothing.
- Sound Effects: Brings up a list of all sound effects, which can be selected to play. Again, there are references to non-existing sound effect files that are grayed out and cannot be played.
- Ambient Sounds: This option is grayed out and cannot be selected.
- Stop All: Completely stops all currently playing sound effects and BGM tracks.
- End: Closes the Sound menu and returns to the current map.
Pressing X on any listed BGM track or sound effect brings up options to tweak how that sound is played. BGM tracks can have their volume and panning altered, while sound effects have volume, panning, reverb, delay, pitch and distance options.
In the Japanese version, this option is labeled ファイル全体オープン, 'Open entire file'.
The Twist Game 29 Cheat Menu Codes
This option seems to be broken. Unlike other broken functions, selecting this briefly triggers some visible activity on the process tree: UNKNOWN > E_OPENSEQ > E_MCREAD > E_MCMOUNT. Other than this, though, the function does nothing but gray out the debug menu for a few seconds.