Cheats of all games including computer, PS2, PS3, XBOX and all other. Visit us for latest cheat codes for all types of games worldwide. Monday, May 4, 2009 The Godfather II PS3 Cheat Codes. For The Godfather II on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 45 cheat codes and secrets. You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge.
Attack combos
Backhand: Press L1, R1, L1, R1, L1.
Haymaker: Press R1, L1, R1, L1, R1.
Kick to shin: Press R1(2), L1.
Knee to groin: Press L1(2), R1.
Neck punch: Press L1(3), R1.
Character locations
Alvin Uzzano: Northeast of Richie's Tavern, New York. He is a Safecracker/Medic with an Advanced Gun License.
Bernard Uzzano: Inside or near the large crypt closest to the north of the hangout of Almeida capo Jaime Fesser at Goldenrest Cemetery, Florida. He is a Bruiser/Medic with an Advanced Gun License.
Jimmy Lira: Unknown (requires bonus downloadable content). He is an Arsonist/Medic/Safecracker/Engineer.
Leroy Petriboni: Las Palmas, Florida. At the 'Jersey's Sports Bar', gambling crime ring on the southernmost island. Approach the building from the east to find a door to a small room. He can be found wandering inside and just outside of that room. He is a Safecracker/Engineer with Expert Gun License.
Ray Fogliano: On top of building across from Corman's Drive-In, Florida. He is on the rooftop nearest to the Corrupt Official Joey Katz. He is a Arsonist/Demolitions.
Ray Ricci: In the square between Casino Imperial and capitol in Cuba. He is a Demolitions/Engineer with an Expert Gun License.

Roy Mancini: At the airport in Corazon de Oro, Cuba next to the second plane, behind the Battaglia Cement Factory. He is a Bruiser/Engineer with a Expert Gun License.
Tommy Cipolla: Corleone Compound, New York (pre-order code required). He is an Arsonist/Medic.
Note: Some characters will not appear until after a certain point in storyline progression.
Defeating the Manganos
The Godfather 2 Cheats
Easy backup
Easy Money and Experience
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Various Codes
Press Square, Triangle, Square(2), Triangle, L3.
Full ammunition
Press Triangle, Left, Triangle, Right, Square, R3.
Full health
Press Left, Square, Right, Triangle, Right, L3.
Weapon locations
Level 1: Tommy Gun: Already available.
Level 2: MP38: Florida, Granados Compound. Search the second floor.
Level 3: Modified AK-47: Cuba, Battaglia Masonry. When you enter a certain room, turn left to find a ladder leading underground. Follow the tunnel.
Level 1: .357 Magnum: Already available.
Level 2: .44 Magnum Force : When attacking Carmine Rosato's compound in New York, go upstairs in the tiny foyer before you approach Carmine. The Magnum is clearly visible on a desk.
Level 3: .501 Magnum Enforcer: Cuba, Battaglia Quarry Chop Shop. Look at the map to find the lighthouse and go there.
The Godfather 2 Game Ps3 Cheats Xbox One
Level 1: Pistol: Already available.
Level 2: Silenced Pistol: Florida, Ryan Roth mission. Found during the mission where he sends you to rescue one of his soldiers.
Level 3: Delta M1911 silenced : Florida, Mangano's Compound. Search the second floor.
Level 1: Sniper Rifle: Already available.
Level 2: Spitzer Centerfire: Florida, Emilio's packing company. It is located on the rooftop; an engineer is required to cut the fence.
The Godfather 2 Cheat Engine
Level 3: Vintovka SR-98: Cuba, Almeida Compound. On the second floor on a desk.Shotguns
Level 1: Shotgun: Already available.
Level 2: Sawed-off: New York, Corleone's Compound. As soon as you leave the compound through the main gate, go straight forward and turn left. There is a hedge that can be burned with an arsonist. The shotgun is behind there.
Level 3: Schofield Semi-auto: Florida, Global Storage Chop Shop. On the right side of the island, inside the small warehouse.
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